> Yup. So I assume that the problem you see is not that of wget mirroring, but
> a combination of saving to a custom dir (with --cut-dirs and the like) and
> conversion of the links. Obviously, the link to
> http://znik.wbc.lublin.pl/Mineraly/Ftp/UpLoad/index.html which would be
> correct for a standard "wget -m URL" was carried over while the custom link
> to http://mineraly.feedle.com/Ftp/UpLoad/index.html was not created.
> My test with wget 1.5 just was a simple "wget15 -m -np URL" and it worked. 
> So maybe the convert/rename problem/bug was solved with 1.9.1
> This would also explain the "missing" gif file, I think.

It's not the end of troubles though! 
It works correctly *only* for the first time! 
When I (or cron) run the same mirroring commands again over already 
mirrored files to renew the mirror, then the correctly converted link of 
the gif file (on the main mirror web page):
is exchanged to the incorrect one:

You may see it in any mirror of the site.


The two mirrors:

So it seems that there is a bug in 1.9.1 version after all. :(

These are the commands I run under wget 1.9.1 to mirror the whole 
Mineraly site:

cd $HOME/web/mineraly
/usr/local/bin/wget -m -nv -k -K -E -nH --cut-dirs=1 -np -t 1000 -D 
wbc.lublin.pl -o $HOME/logiwget/logmineraly -p 
http://znik.wbc.lublin.pl/Mineraly/ && \
cd $HOME/web/mineraly/arch && \
/usr/local/bin/wget -m -nv -k -K -E -nH -np --cut-dirs=2 -t 1000 -D 
lists.man.lodz.pl -o $HOME/logiwget/logmineralyarchive -p 
http://lists.man.lodz.pl/pipermail/mineraly/index.html && \
cp $HOME/web/domirrora/mineraly/Archiwum/index.html 
$HOME/web/mineraly/archiwum1/ && \
cd mineralyftp && \
/usr/local/bin/wget -m -nv -k -K -E -nH -np --cut-dirs=4 -t 1000 -D 
ftp.man.lodz.pl --follow-ftp -o $HOME/logiwget/logmineralyarchiveftp -p 
ftp://ftp.man.lodz.pl/pub/doc/LISTY-DYSKUSYJNE/MINERALY/ && \
cd .. && \
perl -pi -e 's{\Qftp://ftp.man.lodz.pl/pub/doc/LISTY-
DYSKUSYJNE/MINERALY\E}{./mineralyftp/}g' index.html

There is yet another problem with another link.
Because as you see above I have to mirror this site with 3 wget sessions 
in order to have complete mirror of the site, I have to the correct links 
in two places. In one I do it just by copying one file (with manually 
edited link) over the other, and in the other case I do it with perl 
However, again, it works correctly only for the first time.
On that mirror page:
(compare it with the mirrored source:
http://lists.man.lodz.pl/pipermail/mineraly/ )
there should be a link:
(and it was after the first run of the above quoted commands)
but now instead of that link there is an incorrect one:

The same error is in the other mirror:
there is an incorrect link:

Can someone solve those two mysteries?


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