When a URL path component contains a space, is wget supposed to create
a file with a space in it, or not?  

Regardless of the answer to that question, I can't imagine how the
following behavior could be correct:

           => `System%20Software%206.0.5/S6.0.5 - F6.1.5 - F.sit.bin'

Note that the URL contained both directories and files with spaces
in them, and that it escaped all spaces as %20.

Note that wget created *directories* with literal "%20" in them, but
created *files* with literal spaces.  Both can't be right.

wget 1.8.  Launched like so:
wget -m -np -nH --cut-dirs=2 http://www.vieuxmac.com/DOWNLOAD/SYSTEM%20SOFTWARE/

Jamie Zawinski
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             http://www.jwz.org/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.dnalounge.com/

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