I am trying to use Wget to get all the web pages of the IP Phones.
If I use default "verbose" log option, the log gives me too much unused
wget -t 1 -i phones_104.txt -O test.txt -o log.txt
If I add -nv option, the log files looks fine:
20:14:23 URL: [6458] ->
"output_104.txt" [1]
20:14:23 URL: [6458] ->
"output_104.txt" [1]
But it only gives me the logs for registered phones's web pages, which means the
web pages could be opened. It does not give me the logs for unregistered
phones's web pages, those web pages could not be opened. So the following logs
are lost in the non-verbose case:
           => `test.txt'
Connecting to failed: Connection timed out.
Giving up.

Those unregistered phone logs are very useful to me. Which options could give me
the non-verbose logs for those "failed" connections?


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