while investigating this bug i noticed the following macro defined on line
197 of wget.h:

/* The same as above, except the comparison is case-insensitive. */
#define BOUNDED_EQUAL_NO_CASE(beg, end, string_literal) \
  ((end) - (beg) == sizeof (string_literal) - 1         \
   && !strncasecmp ((beg), (string_literal),            \
                    sizeof (string_literal) - 1))

shouldn't it be strlen not sizeof?

interestingly the byte size of a char ptr is equal to the length of the
string "Wget"?  coincidence?


On Wed, 28 May 2003, Christian von Ferber wrote:

> Hi,
> I am mirroring a friendly site that excludes robots in general but
> is supposed to allow my "FriendlyMirror" using wget.
> For this purpose I asked the webadmin to set up his robots.txt as follows:
> <clip>

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