Re: Suggesting Feature: Download anything newer than...

2007-04-08 Thread Steven M. Schweda
> but if you're going to add
> --not-before, you might as well add --not-after too.

   I'd suggest --before (<) and --since (>=), but I may be prejudiced by
exposure to VMS, where many commands use similar qualifiers.  (But if
you _like_ longer, more complicated option names, ...)

> Me add?!?  ;-)

   It's that, or wait for someone else to do it.  You decide.

> Is adding such features being worked on by someone - or
> should I start cramming C and RFCs, and *try to* make
> a patch for it myself?

   I know that _I_ wasn't working on them.  I don't think that you need
any RFC's for this, mostly just code theft from other parts of the
program.  It could be an educational experience.  (I hate educational
experiences.)  If my experience is any guide, getting any changes into
the main development code may be more of a challenge than getting those
changes to work properly.

   Steven M. Schweda   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   382 South Warwick Street(+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547

Re: Suggesting Feature: Download anything newer than...

2007-04-08 Thread bakopper
"Tony Lewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote:

> I don't think there is such a feature,
> but if you're going to add
> --not-before, you might as well add --not-after too.

Yes, that would probably be a good idea...

> but if you're going to add

Me add?!?  ;-)

It's not that I don't know *how* to program in C, it's
just that I'm just about as skilled in programming as
I am in swimming - I can swim, but I swim more or less
like a wrench.  :-)

No, I'm afraid it would be a lot better if someone
*else* added the feature...

"Steven M. Schweda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote:

> See also:

(Also looked at the reply)

Two (three) minds, one thought... this seems to be
*exactly* what I'm looking for (the "update-only"
feature suggested would also be usefull)...

Is adding such features being worked on by someone - or
should I start cramming C and RFCs, and *try to* make
a patch for it myself?

Thanks for your replies.  Glad to know I *still*
know my way around man-pages...  ;-)


Re: Suggesting Feature: Download anything newer than...

2007-04-07 Thread Steven M. Schweda
   See also:

   Steven M. Schweda   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   382 South Warwick Street(+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547

RE: Suggesting Feature: Download anything newer than...

2007-04-07 Thread Tony Lewis
I don't think there is such a feature, but if you're going to add
--not-before, you might as well add --not-after too.

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 6:27 PM
Subject: Suggesting Feature: Download anything newer than...

I'm a very frequent user of wget, but must admit I haven't
dived too deep into various options - but as far as I can
tell, what I'm about to suggest is not a current feature.
If it is, can somebody tell me how to access it?  0:-)

What I'm suggesting is something similar to -N (check
timestamp and download newer) and may perhaps be used more
as a modifier to -N than a seperate option.

I occationally make a mirror of certain site with wget, and
then throw it into an archive.  Unfortuanately, a few months
(year) later when I want to catch-up with any updates, I either
have to mirror the whole thing again or locate the old archive
and unpack it (and I haven't necesserely preserved the whole
directory structure).

What I would love was the ability to specify (through an option)
an arbitrary timestamp (a date... and perhaps time), and for
only files created/modified after this time to be downloaded (e.g.
the approximate time for the creation of my latest archive).

I am envision it as based on the -N option; except that rather
than looking on the time-stamp - or the size or even the
existance - of a local file, it would only compare the remote file's
timestamp to the supplied timestamp - and download if the remote
file was newer.  Of course, it would probably be h*** of a lot worse
to program than just rewriting the -N option.  :-)

It would have to parse links in HTML-files (HTML) or traverse
directories (FTP).

Usually it would be used when no local mirror existed, and then
creating a mirror of just files made after a certain time (it would
of course have to create a dir-structure containing directories
also older than the specified time, but no older files).  However
being able to use it (a specified time) together with the -N or
--mirror option, may also be useful when updating a local mirror
(though I can't actually see when); so perhaps it should be an option
to be used in *companion* with -N (rather than instead of -N)... or
at least let it be *possible* to use it together with -N and --mirror
as well as by itself.


Suggesting Feature: Download anything newer than...

2007-04-07 Thread bakopper
I'm a very frequent user of wget, but must admit I haven't
dived too deep into various options - but as far as I can
tell, what I'm about to suggest is not a current feature.
If it is, can somebody tell me how to access it?  0:-)

What I'm suggesting is something similar to -N (check
timestamp and download newer) and may perhaps be used more
as a modifier to -N than a seperate option.

I occationally make a mirror of certain site with wget, and
then throw it into an archive.  Unfortuanately, a few months
(year) later when I want to catch-up with any updates, I either
have to mirror the whole thing again or locate the old archive
and unpack it (and I haven't necesserely preserved the whole
directory structure).

What I would love was the ability to specify (through an option)
an arbitrary timestamp (a date... and perhaps time), and for
only files created/modified after this time to be downloaded (e.g.
the approximate time for the creation of my latest archive).

I am envision it as based on the -N option; except that rather
than looking on the time-stamp - or the size or even the
existance - of a local file, it would only compare the remote file's
timestamp to the supplied timestamp - and download if the remote
file was newer.  Of course, it would probably be h*** of a lot worse
to program than just rewriting the -N option.  :-)

It would have to parse links in HTML-files (HTML) or traverse
directories (FTP).

Usually it would be used when no local mirror existed, and then
creating a mirror of just files made after a certain time (it would
of course have to create a dir-structure containing directories
also older than the specified time, but no older files).  However
being able to use it (a specified time) together with the -N or
--mirror option, may also be useful when updating a local mirror
(though I can't actually see when); so perhaps it should be an option
to be used in *companion* with -N (rather than instead of -N)... or
at least let it be *possible* to use it together with -N and --mirror
as well as by itself.
