I have a suggestion for HTML5 involving the currently planned doctype, <!DOCTYPE HTML>.

It came to my mind that there could be many a web developer, looking to create a basic webpage for friends, that might use the HTML 5 doctype thinking that the doctype is used, or even needed, just for basic HTML, cheapening the perception of the HTML5 "brand", so to speak. If the doctype is <!DOCTYPE HTML5> instead, then those developers are much more likely to understand that the doctype is for HTML5 only, and respect the doctype more.

By the way, if the HTML5 doctype is changed, I suggest notifying the Internet Explorer team of the change quicker than other browser makers, because Microsoft is a) so close to IE 8 release, and b) not going to release new IE versions as often as Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Camino, Konquerer, Flock...
Take care,
Michael Ball
Kensington, MD

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