On 05/31/11 23:45, Ian Hickson wrote:
On Sat, 9 Apr 2011, James Salsman wrote:
>  Sorry for the top posting, but I would like to reiterate my considered
>  opinion that Speex be supported for recording.  It is the standard
>  format available from Adobe Flash recording, low bandwidth, open source
>  and unencumbered, efficient, and it is high quality for its bandwidth.
My plan with the codecs issue here is to let the implementors figure out
which codecs they want to implement, and then once there's a common set
across all the implementations, to require that. So I would recommend
petitioning the implementors if you have particular codec desires. :-)

I can't find James' original post, so this may be a new subject line - I just want to note that the recent WebRTC code release from Google contains implementations of both iLBC and iSAC codecs; we believe that makes them open-source, unencumbered and implemented (with all the usual disclaimers).

Others will have to discuss the properties that make one or the other best for a particular application; part of that discussion will happen on the public-web...@w3.org list and the rtc...@ietf.org list.


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