I'm giving a talk in a couple days at LXJS, and part of it is to teach the 
attendees how standards work and how they can get involved. I'm putting 
together tips, based on my experiences over the last year or so, and was 
wondering if the members of these lists had anything they wanted to contribute.

I'm collecting at https://gist.github.com/domenic/6787314. There's more text 
there, but in brief, so far I have:

- Lurk first
- Solution time is later
- Understand the constraints
- Concede defeat, and don't retread
- Leave your sense of logic at the door

To avoid noise on these lists, since admittedly this topic is not terribly 
related to solving actual problems in ECMAScript or to the WHATWG specs, we can 
have the discussion there, or you can reply to me directly.

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