On Tue, 11 Dec 2007, L. David Baron wrote:

In this case, most implementors following the SHOULD and implementing
Theora might help companies whose concern is submarine patents become
more comfortable about shipping Theora, especially if some of the
implementors are companies similar in size or wealth to those

Hixie replied:
As it stands, all the vendors who would implement Theora due to the SHOULD
in the spec already are implementing Theora.

David's note got me to wondering if inclusion of the SHOULD language by the W3C might ultimately reduce the liability to companies who actually implement Theora. That is, a judge who discovered that the W3C acted in good faith in attempting to find an unencumbered codec when it in turn recommended to Big Company A that it should use Theora might be quite receptive to A's defense against Scavenger S's claim against A. I don't know if patent law (like copyright law, at least in the US) makes allowances for "innocent infringement," but if it did that would certainly lend some protection to both W3C and those who might follow its advice. This would be a question for the attorneys who I gather will ultimately be called in to help the W3C WG with its deliberations.

Another question of a similar nature: while I understand that Big Company A might indeed extend its vulnerability by actually conducting patent searches (various aspects of law seem to be likewise counter-intuitive, even paradoxical), would that remain true if Big Companies A, B and C were to underwrite a large-scale patent search by W3C? W3C might be able to shield the sponsoring companies from whatever incidental discoveries it made midst its deep search and hence limit their liability.

Re-iterating some things I said earlier, either there is wiggle room remaining to create a new video (or audio) formats in the gaps between existing patents or there isn't. It seems unlikely that all available space has been carved out particularly given that JPEG and GIF87 are already out there and given the requirement that a patent be nonobvious. Conceptualizing sequences of video frames as a time-based spatial frequencies analysis seems obvious. From there it would seem that almost infinitely many data compression schemes exist. For example, one ordinarily would tend to match the redundancies of frame i with those at allied locations in frame i+1. Suppose we consider an arbitrary frame to be a clipped rectangular subregion of a larger realm over which the camera actually moves. Then the compression technique might consist of first building hypotheses about the larger realm and then calculating interframe redundancy based on those hypotheses. With sound we have strings (of sinusoidal amplitudes) being concatenated together in each discrete moment in time; string similarites across moments maybe recast as multidimensional substring problems hence transforming what might look at first like a conventional Fourier analysis into something based more on discrete mathematics in very high dimensional space. I guess all I'm saying is that the number of methodologies that could be applied to the problems seems large and that one outcome that should not be foreclosed is the development of an obvious (hence non-patentable) codec from scratch with the collective talents of those so inclined to cooperate. If each step in the production of such a format is "obvious", then all of its components would, by definition, be patent free. If no such wiggle room exists then the granters of those patents have arguably been overzealous and at least some of those patents must, it seems, be invalid.

Something that is suggested to me in the arena of international treaty work on IP harmonization that the W3C may be interested in adding its voice to would be large scale indemnification -- WIPO working in conjunction with W3C or some such thing. Certainly, reform of patent law is apparently mandated, though doing such work on a country-by-country basis seems like slow work. In the world of Real Property, the common law concept of eminent domain or compulsory purchase is extended as a power to governments to allow for creation of technologies (like roads or utilities) that would otherwise be encumbered by known molecular obstacles (like barns or fast food restaurants). When those obstacles become invisible and non-molecular (in the world of IP) and when they fail to have coordinates in Euclidean space, the regional jurisdiction of the "government" seems ill-suited to deal with those obstacles. Creating a treaty which allows the W3C to "condemn" a patent that I might hold might give a bit too much power to some folks (and I can imagine a zillion folks, and twice that many bots, voting against such a treaty) but in the long run. it might be necessary to think such thoughts in order to allow interoperability on our info-highways.

David Dailey

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