Re: [whatwg] Video

2006-10-31 Thread Joao Eiras
VideoLAN ( has developed a decoder for their low  
footprint media player, that decodes all major video formats and others.  
It's much more stable than a regular codec, because it was made to stream  
from the internet, being therefore prepared to receive all kinds of  
garbage in the stream, and still being able to decode the stream. I  
already had some practical experience with damaged MPEGs which crashed any  
media playe on my PC, while VLC behaved flawlessly. Eventually, UAs could  
make default use of VLC's browser plugin, or embed it directly within the  

Henri Sivonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

On Oct 31, 2006, at 07:43, Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Perhaps, to go along with the Audio() interface, we could have a  
Video() interface as well.  Maybe it would be wise to introduce a  
MultiMedia() interface, which is then inherited by both the Audio() and  
Video() interfaces and extended by each with APIs specifically for  
their respective media.  e.g. Video() could have an API for capturing a  
frame and exporting it as a JPG or PNG.

Defining which video format for browsers to support is out of scope of  
the WHATWG and HTML5.  However, I do agree that there needs to be a  
more widely supported format so that websites don't have to offer the  
user a choice (commonly WMV, Quick Time and Real).  If offered a  
choice, it should only be to pick one suitable for their bandwidth.

These are not technical problems but legal ones. Browser vendors are  
wise to stay at an arms length from video formats due to patents.  
There's a suite of standards for this stuff: MPEG-4. This isn't about  
lack of de jure specs or technology. If there weren't patents on MPEG-4,  
browser vendors could integrate support for H.264 video with LC-AAC  
audio in an MP4 container and the problem would be solved--just like  
browsers include support for JPEG. However, JPEG and MPEG-4 are  
substantially different from the legal perspective.

What browser vendors could do is move the point of plugging encumbered  
modules to a different place. That is, browsers could hook up to  
Gstreamer, QuickTime or the Windows Media framework and leave codecs and  
stream splitters to be plugged on the generic video framework level. But  
this would mean inheriting the limitations of the video framework in  
terms of what can be plugged. And on Windows the framework gatekeeper is  
hostile and on Mac OS X the framework may have technically  
unsatisfactory limitations.

(I am not sure if the Windows Media framework is flexible enough to  
allow MP4 and Ogg stream splitters and corresponding streaming protocol  
clients to be plugged.)

It would be very nice to have a widely supported, non-proprietary,  
patent free format on the web, which is also completely free of DRM.


I would love to see Ogg Vorbis/Theora become as successful in the audio  
and video market as PNG has for images, but the current problem holding  
it back is the lack of implementation in the major media players and  

Aside from the companies who have a stake in proprietary formats, I'm  
sure they would like to because they could save money on licensing fees.

It isn't just the network effects of installed base (lack thereof) that  
are holding Theora back. Theora is not technically as advanced as H.264  
or WMV9 (or even H.263 apparently). In general, a Theora-encoded video  
requires more CPU power for decompression than a comparable video  
encoded using a codec encumbered by the MPEG-LA portfolio. Also, to  
achieve similar subjective quality, you need more bits with Theora than  
with recent codecs encumbered by the MPEG-LA portfolio. According to  
Chris DiBona, the bandwidth issue is why Theora is not good enough for  
Google Video. Also, he said that Google does pay MPEG-LA, so I guess  
Google has figured that paying MPEG-LA costs less than the additional  
bandwidth required by Theora (plus the installed base issues).

And about stakeholders: If you look at who have stuff in the MPEG-LA and  
Via Licensing portfolios and who ship handheld devices, it becomes  
apparent that not only does it seem that key handheld vendors have their  
protection sorted out but they also have an interest in the portfolios.

P.S. Those who read Finnish may be interested in

Re: [whatwg] How not to fix HTML

2006-10-30 Thread Joao Eiras

Na , Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

On Mon, 30 Oct 2006, Joao Eiras wrote:

 Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

> >   * Make embed legal. Give it up, people: object doesn't work and  

> > will.
> HTML5 will make  legal.

Object works pretty fine. embed is duplicated functionality, not as  

and accessible as object.
Browsers will continue to suport embed, but the recomendations  

Why not?

Embed doesn't provide a fallback mechanism, and mixing parameters to the  
plugin, and attributes can be error prone, depending on the plugin, while  
object makes use of param.

Re: [whatwg] How not to fix HTML

2006-10-30 Thread Joao Eiras

 Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

  * Make embed legal. Give it up, people: object doesn't work and never

HTML5 will make  legal.

Object works pretty fine. embed is duplicated functionality, not as  
flexible and accessible as object.

Browsers will continue to suport embed, but the recomendations shouldn't.

Re: [whatwg] Canvas lack of drawString method

2006-10-26 Thread Joao Eiras

I think mixing CSS and Canvas is a bad idea.
You could develop an application which would implement the canvas APi, and  
be easily programed with ecmascript or java.
Adding this kind of feature would force the implementor to support CSS  
too, at least partially.

Stefan Haustein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

Hi David,

I think it is very important to be able to determine the rendered size  
of the text. Otherwise, there is no reliable way to make sure things do  
not overlap. Also, some kinds of applications (flash-like effects,  
labels expressing weight or distance, WYSIWYG text editors) may require  
variable font sizes or styles.

What do you think about

context.textStyle = "barchart"; // style by reference

context.textStyle = {  // set style directly
  "font-size": "8px",
  "font-family": "Monaco, monospace"

context.drawText(x,y,string); context.getFontAscent();

Best regards,

David Hyatt wrote:

I think a drawText method would be extremely useful.

Rather than specifying stylistic information explicitly (via a font  
object), I'd use a special parenthetical pseudo-element. thus allowing  
the author to specify the style as for any other element on a page  
something like this...

font-size: 8px;
font-family: Monaco, monospace;

and then the API would be something like:

drawText(y-coord of baseline, "barchart", myText)

and letter-spacing/word-spacing would work, small-caps would work,  
text-shadow would work, etc. etc.

fitTextToPath might be an interesting API too.


On Oct 23, 2006, at 4:07 PM, Stefan Haustein wrote:

Gervase Markham wrote:

Stefan Haustein wrote:

I think drawElement(elem) opens up a whole new can of worms:

- how would an application determine the size of the text box?
- where is the baseline position, needed for exact axis label  

- there are probably issues with dynamically calculated text values
- code with lots of cross references to elements will be difficult  
to read
- it needs to be specified whether css properties are inherited from  
the parent element of "elem".
- how much horizontal/vertical space is drawElement permitted to use  
for rendering?
The answer to all of these things is that the browser renders all the  
elements in the page as it would if the  were not supported  
and the alternate content were being used. It then basically  
screenshots the area corresponding to the element (yes, I know this  
needs careful definition) and draws that into the canvas.
I do not see how your statement answers any of my questions except  
from the last one. You can specify some CSS constraints, but how do  
you determine the actual rendering height of a text box with a  
specific width? How do you determine the pixel position of the  
baseline? The cross reference and the dynamic text issues are not  
addressed at all.
Like I said, we want to leverage the browser's deep and complex  
knowledge of text rendering as much as possible, and just take the  
resulting pixel output as it would be shown to the user.
- the implementation in actual browsers may be more complex than it  
seems because of problems with internal data structures for  
rendering hints and implicitly introducing the ability to render the  
same element twice.
- what happens with contained plugins, canvas elements,  
self-references... all this stuff needs to be well-defined
Indeed. I know it's easy to state and there are edge cases. But we  
could put limits on it like e.g. no plugins, no , and still  
have something very useful for rendering text.
So I assume we agree that the element rendering proposal would still  
need significant specification work and is probably much more  
difficult to implement. The element rendering approach may make  
working with bulk text simpler, but this case is already handled quite  
fine by HTML outside the Canvas element. By asking for too much, we  
may end up with nothing at all.

Andrew has provided a clear and simple proposal that can easily be  
implemented without too much consideration of side effects. Putting  
labels on maps, precise text positioning, starwars-like 3d scrolling  
text, labels for game characters or in physics simulations, all the  
stuff that could only be done in a canvas element, is trivial to  
implement with the drawText() approach, but seems much more complex or  
impossible with the element rendering approach.
Moreover, drawElement() would not solve the drawText problem for  
non-browser environments such as Rhino.
How are we anticipating  might be used in a non-browser  
Canvas and some other parts of the spec (e.g. connections) may make a  
lot of sense for Javascript outside of the browser context.  This may  
be outside of the scope of WHATWG, but if we can take out some  
building blocks and use them somewhere else, this is at least 

Re: [whatwg] getElementsByClassName()

2006-10-23 Thread Joao Eiras

Na , Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

On Tue, 24 Oct 2006, Joao Eiras wrote:

The question is.. is there really the need for the array ? Most bindings
support variable arguments.

The initial proposal used varargs, but people pointed out that that made
it difficult to call the method with an arbitrary number of arguments,
which is why it now takes an array.

Ok then, but there could be that option for both Java's and ecmascript's  
Instantiating an array adds bloat to the code and inefficiency. So this  
would be something to keep.

Re: [whatwg] getElementsByClassName()

2006-10-23 Thread Joao Eiras

Na , Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

On Mon, 23 Oct 2006, Dean Edwards wrote:

Personally, I prefer a comma delimited list. Passing an array seems

Really? I always thought the comma-separated argument to  

one of the ugliest APIs ever...

Are there any problems with passing a JavaScript array to a DOM method?
Does it cast to a DOMArray or something? What about other platforms?

It's an array. Most languages support arrays. Why would there be a

The question is.. is there really the need for the array ?
Most bindings support variable arguments.

Re: [whatwg] Constrains of the value propety of Controls

2006-10-20 Thread Joao Eiras

Value isn't readonly, and you might not have an index but a string.
I'm not asking help how to code. I'd like to know what happenns in case  
'VALUE' is set .

Master Br <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

I think that the correct approach is to define the SELECTED INDEX of the  
list, never to try setting the list value directly.
Indeed, I think that the value property is READ-ONLY in this case... so  
you can NOT set

Right approach:
objectSelect.selectedIndex = DESIRED_INDEX;

Joao Eiras escreveu:

Currently, no DOM specification explicitly defines behaviour and  
restrictions when setting the value of the value property for elements  
part of forms, like select, option, and input. That's however, work  
that's being done at WHATWG.

Yet, one single case persists:
 - the value property of a HMTLSelectElement is a limited domain,  
formed by the value of the select's child option elements value  

Is this a valid assertion ?
What is expected to happen when a script tries to set the value of the  
value property of a select element, value which doesn't exist among  
it's children ? Should the value remain unchanged ? An error thrown ?

thank you.

Re: [whatwg] some comments on DOM collections

2006-10-19 Thread Joao Eiras

Anne van Kesteren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

* Error handling needs to be defined for HTMLCollection.item() and
HTMLCollection.namedItem(). What happens if there's no such indexth node
or node with that id? This also applies to HTMLFormControlsCollection and

  This method retrieves a node specified by ordinal index. Nodes are  
numbered in tree order (depth-first traversal order).

  index of type unsigned long - The index of the node to be fetched. The  
index origin is 0.

Return Value
  Node - The Node at the corresponding position upon success. A value of  
null is returned if the index is out of range.

This is the best thing to do, from my multiple experiences with ecmascript.

Re: [whatwg] [WebForms2] custom form validation notifications

2006-10-08 Thread Joao Eiras

Matthew Paul Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

On Oct 4, 2006, at 4:05 PM, Brad Fults wrote:

On 10/3/06, Joao Eiras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If the user fills a form in an improper way the UA should alert him of  
the problems. Opera in the early days of its initial web forms support  
showed an alert box stating that the information was invalid, now it  
flashes the input field, and presents a message overlapped in the  
webpage. However it presents a very generic error message like "You  
must set a value!" (for required) or "foo is not in the format this  
page requires" (for pattern). The author may want, in the case of an  
error, to present its custom error message to the end user. This could  
be achieved by declaring new custom attribute for the several  
controls, which could hold the message. The UA could then either pop  
up that message to the user or embed it in the page (like Opera does
currently). The attribute could be named like requirederr, patternerr,  
or use some other sort of naming convention to easily associate the  
constraining property with the message attribute.

As UAs become more sophisticated, they can analyze the pattern attribute  
and present more context-sensitive error messages than any such  
attribute could. For example:

*   "410 is too much; this number must be 300 or less."
*   "178 is too small; this number must be 200 or more."
*   "This field must start with a letter."

UAs can also localize these error messages much more extensively than  
any Web site could (which will be even more of a benefit when the Web  
site is not in your preferred language).

Of course. Such features are very useful, although such behaviours are
user-agent defined.
But that's not the point: my original message is related to

Is the use of the title attribute inappropriate for this case?

It has the same lack of context.

Re: [whatwg] [WebForms2] custom form validation notifications

2006-10-08 Thread Joao Eiras

Matthew Paul Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

On Oct 4, 2006, at 4:05 PM, Brad Fults wrote:

On 10/3/06, Joao Eiras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If the user fills a form in an improper way the UA should alert him of  
the problems. Opera in the early days of its initial web forms support  
showed an alert box stating that the information was invalid, now it  
flashes the input field, and presents a message overlapped in the  
webpage. However it presents a very generic error message like "You  
must set a value!" (for required) or "foo is not in the format this  
page requires" (for pattern). The author may want, in the case of an  
error, to present its custom error message to the end user. This could  
be achieved by declaring new custom attribute for the several  
controls, which could hold the message. The UA could then either pop  
up that message to the user or embed it in the page (like Opera does
currently). The attribute could be named like requirederr, patternerr,  
or use some other sort of naming convention to easily associate the  
constraining property with the message attribute.

As UAs become more sophisticated, they can analyze the pattern attribute  
and present more context-sensitive error messages than any such  
attribute could. For example:

*   "410 is too much; this number must be 300 or less."
*   "178 is too small; this number must be 200 or more."
*   "This field must start with a letter."

UAs can also localize these error messages much more extensively than  
any Web site could (which will be even more of a benefit when the Web  
site is not in your preferred language).

Of course. Such features are very useful, although such behaviours are  
user-agent defined.
But that's not the point: my original message is related to  

Is the use of the title attribute inappropriate for this case?

It has the same lack of context.

Re: [whatwg] [WebForms2] custom form validation notifications without scripting

2006-10-03 Thread Joao Eiras

Na , Brad Fults <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

On 10/3/06, Joao Eiras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Although WebForm2 provides automatic validation of form content from the
UA side, the specification has a few gaps related to customizablility of
notifications, by web authors, without scripting enabled.

If the user fills a form in an improper way the UA should alert him of  
problems. Opera in the early days of its initial web forms support  
an alert box stating that the information was invalid, now it flashes  

input field, and presents a message overlapped in the webpage.
However it presents a very generic error message like "You must set a
value!" (for required) or "foo is not in the format this page requires"
(for pattern).
The author may want, in the case of an error, to present its custom  

message to the end user.
This could be achieved by declaring new custom attribute for the several
controls, which could hold the message. The UA could then either pop up
that message to the user or embed it in the page (like Opera does
The attribute could be named like requirederr, patternerr, or use some
other sort of naming convention to easily associate the constraining
property with the message attribute.

Is the use of the title attribute inappropriate for this case?

I believe title is used for a berief description, not for error messages,  
besides a control may not validate for more than one reason.

[whatwg] [WebForms2] custom form validation notifications without scripting

2006-10-03 Thread Joao Eiras

Although WebForm2 provides automatic validation of form content from the  
UA side, the specification has a few gaps related to customizablility of  
notifications, by web authors, without scripting enabled.

If the user fills a form in an improper way the UA should alert him of the  
problems. Opera in the early days of its initial web forms support showed  
an alert box stating that the information was invalid, now it flashes the  
input field, and presents a message overlapped in the webpage.
However it presents a very generic error message like "You must set a  
value!" (for required) or "foo is not in the format this page requires"  
(for pattern).
The author may want, in the case of an error, to present its custom error  
message to the end user.
This could be achieved by declaring new custom attribute for the several  
controls, which could hold the message. The UA could then either pop up  
that message to the user or embed it in the page (like Opera does  
The attribute could be named like requirederr, patternerr, or use some  
other sort of naming convention to easily associate the constraining  
property with the message attribute.

If the UA has scripting disabled, trying to prevent the default action for  
an invalid event won't work. Too overcome this problem, there could be a  
new attribute which could be called 'notifyoninvalid="true|false"' with a  
default value of true, for each control, or for the entire form. If the  
value is false, then the UA wouldn't notify the user in case of  
invalidity. This could then be delegated to some CSS using :invalid;

Now, to ease the authors work, there could be another css pseudo-classes,  
to compliment :invalid, which is :valid

*:valid{border:thin solid green;}

This way it's more easy to provide custom notifications, instead of  
default ones, with no scripting.


Re: [whatwg] [WF2]

2006-10-03 Thread Joao Eiras
Well, the option element could be extended with a new attribute 'invalid'  
which hold prevent that option to be selected.

Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

On Mon, 02 Oct 2006 16:35:32 +0200, Simon Pieters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

I've seen a case where a  is used and the user is required to  
change its value, as in:

Select one:

Now this can be done with radio buttons instead, but why can't the  
above be supported? That is, make required apply to s and if  
the value is empty then required is not satisfied. (Same for multiple>.)

Submitting an empty value may be wanted, and since a select by  
definition is a list of predefined valid values, it would make little  
sense to prevent the user from selecting some of them. However, I agree  
with the use case of the invalid starter value so users must consciously  
select a value they wanted instead of the default one.

The following script will do exactly what you wanted, although Opera  
doesn't seem to use the custom error message for some reason. I'm not  
sure if that's my fault or Opera's due to my lack of experience with  
WF2, but it does prevent form submissions just fine as long as there are  
invalid selects.

The script works in Opera 9.02.';},4,null);
var elem=null;
while(elem = res.iterateNext()){
checkSelect({'target':elem}); // do initial check

Robert Græsdal

[whatwg] MediaModeAbstractView and changing of media dynamically

2006-09-19 Thread Joao Eiras
For me, the w3c DOM 2 stylesheets spec always had the gap, which  
MediaModeAbstractView fixes: a variable which holds the current media how  
the page is being rendered.
But there's another small gap. Some UAs (Opera for desktop only to my  
knowledge) can change the current media by displaying a webpage as  
fullscreen (projection) or enabling small screen rendering (handheld). I  
assume future versions will allow Opera to trigger tv mode, for  
development sake. Also any other browsers can change from normal rendering  
(screen) to print preview (print).

The only way for a script to keep track of this variable value, is to set  
an interval, polling the variable.

I don't consider refreshing the page as valid workaround.

So, I suggest the creation of the 'media-change' event, which will fire  
when the UA changes media, having the document as target.
The event object could be an instance of a UIEvent, and have 2 extra  
properties: newMediaMode, and oldMediaMode.