Re: [whatwg] for year input

2014-02-20 Thread Jonathan Watt

On 20/02/2014 01:34, TAMURA, Kent wrote:


The current WebKit/Blink behavior is:
  - Accept both of the ASCII digits and localized digits
  - Accept both of the standard decimal point '.' and a localized decimal point

That sounds similar to what I've implemented, but users can't mix digits, 
decimal or grouping separators from different locales. The entire input must be 
consistent. Specifically, input typed in by the user is first processed using 
the locale of the element (as defined by the 'lang'/'xml:lang' attributes, if 
any). If that fails we retry with the locale of the document (Content-Language 
header). If that fails we retry with the locale of the browser. If that fails 
then we pass the string off to HTMLInputElement's internals to be set as its 
value without "de-localizing" it, where it will be parsed using the HTML 5 rules 
for "valid floating-point number" (essentially allowing ASCII digits and decimal 
point as the final fallback). (We start with the element and work out looking 
for locale information in order to give priority to the locale of the context in 
which the input exists.)

For what it's worth I just tried the following in Chrome, and if I type in 
"12,34" then increment using the spinner it resets to zero, seeming to indicate 
that the "," was rejected. Is that expected?


  - Not accept grouping separators and don't show grouping separators


We showed grouping separators in the past. But we stopped it because grouping
separators disturb some use cases.

So I've discovered. ;)

We accepted entering grouping separators in the past. But we stopped it because
users had to know their locale correctly. e.g. "1,234" has different meaning in
French locale and English locale if we support grouping separators.

So essentially you assume any separator that is a decimal separator in any 
locale is a decimal separator all cases? Even that approach would seem to have 
the potential for unexpected results for users; for example, a user types in 
"1,234" meaning 1234 but the input takes the value 1.234. Or maybe I misunderstand?


Re: [whatwg] for year input

2014-02-18 Thread Jonathan Watt

On 19/02/2014 01:24, Karl Dubost wrote:

I wonder if it would not be more flexible to have a `format` attribute.

(or any other formatting syntax)

I'm not sure a formatting attribute is desirable, at least not if it leads to 
content authors making decisions that are inappropriate for a given locale. A 
boolean attribute to say that the grouping separator is not appropriate might be 
useful though, given the other comments on this thread regarding other number 
types where such separators would be undesirable, and may not be so subject to 
misuse. It's not clear that in all these cases (or even in the case of years) 
that the grouping separator is undesirable for all locales though.

Re: [whatwg] for year input

2014-02-18 Thread Jonathan Watt

On 18/02/2014 23:17, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 18 Feb 2014, Jonathan Watt wrote:

When implementing  for Mozilla I decided to display
the value to the user using the grouping separator (generally the
thousands separator) of the users locale. So, for example, if the
input's value is 1234 and the user's locale is English, it is displayed
to the user as "1,234".

This is causing a problem for at least media wiki, because they use
 for year input. For example:

The question is, should I change Mozilla's implementation to stop
displaying the internal value using grouping separators, or is it wrong
to use  for year input. I'm erring on the former, but
I'd like to solicit others' thoughts on this matter.

I should also note that I can still allow the implementation to accept
input from the user that contains grouping separators, even if when the
internal value is set/changed the visual result will be updated to a
string that does not contain grouping separators.

My recommendation would be to just use comma separation

It would be the appropriate separator(s) for the locale in use, not necessarily 
the comma, but I'm guessing that's what you meant.

for numbers
greater than . It doesn't help that much for four-digit numbers, and
years beyond four digits often _do_ have commas, e.g.:,000_problem

I agree that it's a bit weird (though not particularly wrong) for
four-digit years to have commas.

Personally I think it's a bit more than a bit weird to have "Year: 2,014". It 
seems pretty ugly to me, and four digit years are going to be the common case.

type=number does seem appropriate for years, though.

I wonder if it would be that bad to have a 'year' type to compliment the 'month' 
and 'day' types...

Re: [whatwg] for year input

2014-02-18 Thread Jonathan Watt

On 18/02/2014 23:09, Jonathan Watt wrote:

When implementing  for Mozilla I decided to display the value
to the user using the grouping separator (generally the thousands separator) of
the users locale. So, for example, if the input's value is 1234 and the user's
locale is English, it is displayed to the user as "1,234".

This is causing a problem for at least media wiki, because they use  for year input. For example:

The question is, should I change Mozilla's implementation to stop displaying the
internal value using grouping separators, or is it wrong to use  for year input. I'm erring on the former, but I'd like to solicit
others' thoughts on this matter.

I should also note that I can still allow the implementation to accept input
from the user that contains grouping separators, even if when the internal value
is set/changed the visual result will be updated to a string that does not
contain grouping separators.

I should also have noted that I did get some early feedback that failing to 
include grouping separators in the general  case would be 
bad/suboptimal for certain locales, but I can't remember which locales those 
were at this point. If anyone knows of such locales I'd be interested to hear which.

[whatwg] for year input

2014-02-18 Thread Jonathan Watt
When implementing  for Mozilla I decided to display the value 
to the user using the grouping separator (generally the thousands separator) of 
the users locale. So, for example, if the input's value is 1234 and the user's 
locale is English, it is displayed to the user as "1,234".

This is causing a problem for at least media wiki, because they use type=number> for year input. For example:

The question is, should I change Mozilla's implementation to stop displaying the 
internal value using grouping separators, or is it wrong to use type=number> for year input. I'm erring on the former, but I'd like to solicit 
others' thoughts on this matter.

I should also note that I can still allow the implementation to accept input 
from the user that contains grouping separators, even if when the internal value 
is set/changed the visual result will be updated to a string that does not 
contain grouping separators.

Re: [whatwg] Forms: and directory tree picking

2013-08-05 Thread Jonathan Watt

On 05/08/2013 00:54, Glenn Maynard wrote:

On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 2:47 AM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:

We can't do what you are suggesting for a plain  since there's already a defined API for that, and that API
only exposes a .files property in the DOM.

Sure we can; we can always add to that API, such as adding a
getFileSystem() method.  A different @type may be better anyway, though.

Currently my own view is that exposing a filesystem type API must be opt-in (as 
in new code has to be written to use it; old code isn't going to "just work"). 
As such a new attribute [value] such as multiple=fs could be required to make 
use of it, and could change the behavior of the input so that it doesn't build 
up a FileList, but instead sets .files to an object representing the picked 
directory if a directory is picked.


  But we could certainly add some way to enable creating an 

which exposes files and directories in the DOM, rather than just
files. Doing that will depend on coming up with a filesystem proposal
which all parties actually agree on implementing, so far we don't have
such a proposal.

Unless we think it won't ever happen, it'd be better to keep working
towards that than to rush things and implement greedy recursion.

  It also requires an actual proposal for what such an  would

look like. I.e. would it be an ? Or  with some sort of API call saying that flattening
directories into files aren't needed? Or ?

It's probably not worth worrying about this part too much until we have a
filesystem API for it to enable.  Any of these seem fine (though I'd lean
away from an API call), or maybe , which would
cause it to fall back on the current (files only, non-recursive FileList)
behavior on browsers that don't support it.

(I don't think "flattening directories into files" is something that should
ever happen in the first place, but if it does we'd definitely need to make
sure it doesn't happen in this mode.)

Re: [whatwg] Forms: and directory tree picking

2013-08-05 Thread Jonathan Watt

On 02/08/2013 23:39, Glenn Maynard wrote:

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Jonathan Watt  wrote:

In my prototype implementation it took around 30 seconds to build the
FileList for a directory of 200,000 files with a top end SSD; so depending
on what the page is doing, directory picking could take some time.

A static list isn't appropriate for recursively exposing a large
directory.  I hope that won't be implemented, since that's the sort of
halfway-feature--"not quite good enough, but it sort of works"--that can
delay a good API indefinitely.  An interface to allow scripts to navigate
the tree like a filesystem should be used, to avoid having to do a full

I see this more as a means of getting directory picking working in the existing 
content out there that's using file pickers without requiring that content to be 
updated (which is not going to happen in the vast majority of cases). I would 
hope that it would not _prevent_ a filesystem-like API from being implemented, 
although I agree it would inevitably reduce the pressure for such an API. That 
said, such an API that everyone agrees on doesn't seem to be materializing any 
time soon.

For example, a photo browser probably only wants to read data on demand, as
the user navigates.  Also, doing it synchronously means that if the user
adds another photo, he'd have to reopen the directory (and wait for the
long recursion) all over again for it to be seen by the app.

A previous discussion (on drag and drop, but the issues are the same) is

Thanks for the link. I've read through that thread.


That centered around FS-API, which is probably not the direction things are
going, but whichever API things land on for filesystem access should
probably be used for this--or vice-versa, if this comes first.  I suspect
they're actually the same thing, since a file picker (along with drag and
drop) is the likely way to expose a filesystem-of-real-files API.

[whatwg] Forms: and directory tree picking

2013-08-02 Thread Jonathan Watt
I'm working on Mozilla's implementation of  to allow the user 
to pick a directory. The idea would be that the files in that directory and its 
subdirectories would be added to the HTMLInputElement.files FileList. A brief 
summary of the behavior I'm currently working towards is described below.

For now we just plan on requiring the 'multiple' attribute to allow directory 
picking, and do _not_ plan to add a 'directory' attribute. Instead we want to 
see whether we can get away with allowing the user (not the content author) to 
decide whether they want to pick a directory or to pick individual files from a 
directory (perhaps by having two buttons in the UI, "Choose file(s)" and "Choose 
directory", since platforms generally have different pickers for the two tasks). 
The advantage of avoiding the need for the 'directory' attribute would be that 
directory picking would work for existing content with multiple> without needing to be changed. One disadvantage would be that existing 
content may depend on the file names in the FileList being unique. If that turns 
out to be a significant problem in practice, we may have to implement the 
'directory' attribute.

We would change the File interface to add a 'path' property, which would be the 
path (without the file name) of the file relative to the directory that was picked.

Currently authors can use to open a system file picker. 
To give content the ability to open a system directory picker we'd add a 
corresponding .openDirectoryPicker() function.

In my prototype implementation it took around 30 seconds to build the FileList 
for a directory of 200,000 files with a top end SSD; so depending on what the 
page is doing, directory picking could take some time. To allow content authors 
with styled  to provide feedback to users during scans of large directory 
trees we plan to have openDirectoryPicker return a ProgressPromise:

We'd then fire progress events at the promise specifying how many files had been 
processed so far.

Thoughts? Questions?

Re: [whatwg] Allowing authors to obtain a vertical

2013-03-26 Thread Jonathan Watt

On 26/03/2013 14:55, Simon Pieters wrote:

On Tue, 26 Mar 2013 15:07:55 +0100, Jonathan Watt  wrote:

The result of the discussion here:

is that I've changed Firefox Nightly's handling of  to
allow it to render as a vertical slider if it has an orient="vertical"
attribute on it. There was only one reply to my email to www-style, but
the author suggested using an attribute which I'd also concluded was the
best thing to do.

I'd like to propose that this attribute be added to the HTML5

I don't have strong opinions on this topic, however, if we are going to
add an attribute, it would be less verbose to use a boolean attribute:


My original approach for supporting vertical range was to have Mozilla's 
-moz-orient CSS property apply to , but the initial value of 
this property was 'horizontal'. That prevented the auto-orientation hinted at in 
the HTML5 spec (and implemented by Opera) where the orientation of the range is 
based on the width-to-height ratio of the input, unless explicitly specified by 
the author. To fix that I added an 'auto' value for -moz-orient and made that 
the initial value. Then I realized that authors will want to style the component 
parts of a range differently based on whether it is vertical or horizontal, 
which is incompatible with using a CSS property to specify the orientation. 
That's how I arrived at using an attribute, and it's to leave open the future 
possibility of auto-orientation that I made a direct conversion to an 'orient' 
attribute rather than a 'vertical' attribute.


[whatwg] Allowing authors to obtain a vertical

2013-03-26 Thread Jonathan Watt

The result of the discussion here:

is that I've changed Firefox Nightly's handling of  to allow 
it to render as a vertical slider if it has an orient="vertical" attribute on 
it. There was only one reply to my email to www-style, but the author suggested 
using an attribute which I'd also concluded was the best thing to do.

I'd like to propose that this attribute be added to the HTML5 specification.

My original email to www-style is reproduced below in case anyone wants to reply 
here, directly quoting parts of my original description of the problem.


I'm working on  support in Mozilla, and one of the questions 
that has come up is how best to allow content authors to change the orientation 
of  to be vertical (so the slider runs up/down instead of 

There is some vague text in the HTML5 spec describing an  
example that hints that a UA might change a range's orientation based on the 
ratio of its width to height[1], which says:

   Note how the UA determined the orientation of the control from the
   ratio of the style-sheet-specified height and width properties.

As far as I can tell that's all that any relevant specifications say on the 
matter though.

This issue becomes tricky when user agents provide pseudo-elements to allow 
content authors to style the component parts of a range. Typically there are two 
main component parts: the thumb (the bit that can be dragged left/right or 
up/down) and the track (a visual "gutter" or "line" that the thumb is fixed to 
move along).

It seems like, A), it would be desirable to be able to apply different styles to 
the thumb and track depending on whether the range is horizontal or vertical. 
For example, content authors might want to give the thumb a background image 
that would make it appear like one of the following two diagrams depending on 
its orientation:

   | |
   | |
   __  | |
  /  \_|_|_
--|  |   | \
--|  |   |_/
  |__| | |
   | |
   | |
   | |

It also seems like, B), it would be desirable to be able to use CSS to specify 
the orientation of the range, since, to a certain extent, whether the range is 
vertical or not is a matter or presentation.

Unfortunately, B (specifying the orientation using a new CSS property called 
'orient', say) seem to conflict with A. Content author's don't have a way to 
select on the computed value of one property to specify the values of other 
properties, so they can't select on the computed value of an 'orient' property 
to specify different styling for horizontal/vertical range.

One way to solve the issue would be to reject B and have an 'orient' _attribute_ 
instead, since it _is_ possible to select on attributes.

It may seem tempting to say that if content authors are specifying different 
styles for vertical and horizontal range, then they can specify those styles in 
the same rules that specify the 'orient' property. It doesn't seem like that is 
going to provide for authors' needs in some circumstances though. For example, 
if a JavaScript library provides API to insert a "vertical range", and it 
specifies style="orient:vertical" on the range that it inserts.

Does anyone have any thoughts on the mechanism that should be provided to 
content authors to specify that an  should be vertical, given 
the above?



Re: [whatwg] Implementation issue: step mismatch handling for

2013-01-23 Thread Jonathan Watt

On 17/01/2013 20:13, Ian Hickson wrote:

Fixed, by adding "if there is a number that matches these
constraints", which means that the value now ends up at 0 and remains
suffering from a step mismatch.

Regarding this change:

For what it's worth the comment was wrong since it contains "value=-1 max=2 step=3>" whereas my example was "step=3>". It's only in the latter case (lower max value) that there will be a 
step mismatch.

Also, would it be possible in future to have content and formatting changes made 
in different commits? Several people I've discussed this change with off list 
have complained that having both types of change in this one commit made it 
difficult to see what changed, and this is quite a small change (really they 
should mention that here themselves).


[whatwg] value sanitization algorithm

2013-01-18 Thread Jonathan Watt
In addition to the value sanitization algorithm, some input types specify 
actions that the user agent must take when the element's value is suffering from 
underflow/overflow or a step mismatch. To make it clearer that these actions 
will also be run when the value sanitization algorithm is run, could the text be 
changed to include each type's underflow/overflow and step mismatch actions 
under the the respective type's value sanitization algorithm?

(Otherwise it's unclear to me why some of the steps that are applied when 
converting the value content attribute to the input element's value have this 
special "value sanitization algorithm" label attached to them, while others do not.)


[whatwg] Confusing text relating to

2013-01-17 Thread Jonathan Watt

The text on  at:


  The step scale factor is 1. The default step is 1 (allowing only
  integers, unless the min attribute has a non-integer value).

I found the words "allowing only integers" to be confusing. I initially read it 
to mean that "step" is only allowed integer values unless the "min" attribute is 
a number with a fractional part. Talking it over with dbaron we believe it is 
probably just a parenthetical observation that if the "min" attribute's value is 
an integer and the default value of 1 for "step" is being used, then the input's 
value can only have integer values. (This is unclear because the input's value 
isn't otherwise mentioned in the sentence.)


Re: [whatwg] Implementation issue: step mismatch handling for

2013-01-17 Thread Jonathan Watt

On 17/01/2013 19:29, Jonathan Watt wrote:

I'm working on implementing  for Gecko and have encountered
what I believe to be an issue in the spec.

Step 1 of the algorithm to find the "step base":

says "If the element has a min content the value of the min
content attribute...". Should this not talk about "minimum" rather than "min
content attribute"? It would otherwise seem to give bad results in the case of
, which has a default minimum of zero (a default minimum makes
sense in the case of type=range, since an unbounded slider would be impossible
for a user to interact with). Consider for example:

As it stands, the current spec text says that the "step base" is -1 (from the
'value' content attribute), the 'minimum' is zero (from the default minimum),
the 'maximum' is 1, and the step is 3. As a result, an implementation would seem
to be directed to enter an infinite loop

An alternative reading of the paragraph beginning "When the element is suffering 
from a step mismatch" would be that there is no value that can satisfy the 
constraints of being both greater than or equal to the minimum, less than or 
equal to the maximum, and not suffer from a step mismatch. In which case the 
spec doesn't seem to define the behavior. Changing the step base text to refer 
to "minimum" instead of "'min' content attribute" would also fix things from 
that perspective.


applying the paragraphs beginning with
"When the element is suffering from an underflow..." and "When the element is
suffering from a step mismatch..." in:

If the step base considered the 'minimum' instead of the 'min' content
attribute, then the step base would be zero, and thus the value would settle at


[whatwg] Implementation issue: step mismatch handling for

2013-01-17 Thread Jonathan Watt
I'm working on implementing  for Gecko and have encountered 
what I believe to be an issue in the spec.

Step 1 of the algorithm to find the "step base":

says "If the element has a min content the value of the min 
content attribute...". Should this not talk about "minimum" rather than "min 
content attribute"? It would otherwise seem to give bad results in the case of 
, which has a default minimum of zero (a default minimum makes 
sense in the case of type=range, since an unbounded slider would be impossible 
for a user to interact with). Consider for example:


As it stands, the current spec text says that the "step base" is -1 (from the 
'value' content attribute), the 'minimum' is zero (from the default minimum), 
the 'maximum' is 1, and the step is 3. As a result, an implementation would seem 
to be directed to enter an infinite loop applying the paragraphs beginning with 
"When the element is suffering from an underflow..." and "When the element is 
suffering from a step mismatch..." in:

If the step base considered the 'minimum' instead of the 'min' content 
attribute, then the step base would be zero, and thus the value would settle at 


Re: [whatwg] Separating intrinsic sizing out from the iframe seamless attribute

2012-07-18 Thread Jonathan Watt

On 18/07/2012 13:31, Ojan Vafai wrote:

I made a proposal for this at the end of


best way to get this specced is to provide additional use-cases (for having
intrinsic sizing without inheriting style) in addition to use case #3 in my 

The use cases are simple. I want to be able to embed SVG as-a-document (not 
as-an-image) and have it size to its intrinsic size, without messing up the 
style of the SVG.

[whatwg] Separating intrinsic sizing out from the iframe seamless attribute

2012-07-18 Thread Jonathan Watt
It seems like there should be a way to get iframe to size to the intrinsic size 
of the embedded content without having style from the embedding document inherit 
into the embedded document. Could we have a way to do just the intrinsic sizing 

[whatwg] Addition of a setExtend(in DOMString extend) method to the CanvasGradient interface

2011-04-19 Thread Jonathan Watt
The extend mode of canvas gradients isn't under user control as it is in SVG.
I'd like to propose adding a setExtend(in DOMString extend) method to the
CanvasGradient interface[1], where the method would accept the arguments "none",
"repeat", "reflect" and "pad". These would be defined similarly to the values
that the 'spreadMethod' attribute on SVG gradients accepts[2].

