
The Window interface open method accepts a "features" argument for historical (and backward compatibility) reasons, which, as stated, has no actual effect. I was considering the opportunity, instead, of maintaining the old functionality as an alternative and redundant implementation of the "make application state". That could work this way: any browser feature set disabled in the features string is disabled and not shown in the newly opened window, BUT, a somewhat element, clearly being part of the browser application, is provided to let the user enable any hidden feature (either altogether, or one by one), so to reset the "normal" application condition; when a browser interface component is hidden, any related key binding is "freed" from usual capture, and redirected to the window active document, so that a "full standalone" behaviour is transparently shown to the user (the "reset element" should never be disabled), while when that component is re-enabled its normal behaviour is re-established; if the application is going full-screen the user is clearly advised about this and allowed to block the operation (in the case the operation is allowed, the "reset element" should become floating and maybe half-transparent -- I was thinking on a possible, future 2D or even 3D web based game...).


Current draft provides a few overloaded methods (like postMessage() variants) differing for the number, type and order of their attributes. A first concern could arise on the choice to overload functions in IDL interfaces, since any of the possible supported/supportable script language could not provide such a feature, making implementation more difficult; however, this could be a minor concern, both since a script with C-like syntax (as most are) usually let functions be overloaded, one way or another, and because a different kind of language, not providing such, could overcome the problem by defining methods with slightly different names and binding them to the appropriate interface (but this would lead maybe to a longer learning period and to possible, successive even greater difficulties whether such names would clash with future standard names). Maybe the parameters order and number could be another concern, since a script language could (like JavaScript does) allow functions overloading by varying the number of passed arguments, without caring about arguments types, and leaving to the inner code any checking and choice of what to do (that's closer to a C++ function declaration with default arguments, than to a "full" overload); this is not a real problem, but perhaps a little improvement in current specs might result from changing the arguments order so that the arguments list of an overloaded method's two variant, when compared, is equal for the first 'x' arguments, where 'x' is the length of the shortest list, since this could reduce the translation work the script engine must do before calling the underlying implementation (i.e., it could be a slightly easier casting of the arguments to their correspondent native types, without any previous checking for the right type, before calling the interface native implementation - the point is: a check is likely to be done by the casting routine(s), so couldn't it be avoid before casting?). Furthermore, any language missing the overload semantics could expose just one method with the whole list of possible arguments, corresponding to the idl declared method with the longer list, and I think that defining idl methods with some care for arguments order would be a neater choice.


Current browsers provides facilities to parse xml code (either the DOMParser object or a DOM Load and Save Parser). All fail with html "tag soup", so if for any reason a somewhat string of html code must be parsed to manipulate its DOM representation before taking any action, a workaround must be found (i.e. calling document.implementation.createHTMLDocument() and somehow inserting the string into such fake document, then getting the DOM structure - this could be quite unreliable too, as a parsing alternative, if any script code in that string were executed). Since one of the goal of html 5 specifications is the definition of a standard parser, with a standard parse error management, maybe the opportunity of exposing an html-specific parser (skipping script execution) through the DOM might be considered.


Current draft states a script element set through the innerHTML property is not executed at all, while it is when added by calling document.write() (what about insertAdjacentHTML()?). However, I think that allowing script execution in the former case would made of the innerHTML property a truly live one, with some possible benefit: i.e. it could be a way to insert new script elements into the document head section from outside the head element (i.e. from an event listener on an eventsource, to dynamically change a web application behaviour by appending new markup to the head.innerHTML string). Of course this could be problematic whether the newly inserted markup contained the same script causing the innerHTML content to change (resulting in an endless recursion); anyway that could be yet done by first checking for a correspondence of the actually parsed markup into the newly set (perhaps excluding the lastly executed script - and any following elements - for double checking), so that the insertion would be similar to a "beforeend" or "afterbegin" insertion through insertAdjacentHTML().


The HTMLDocument interface presents several variants for the open method, with very different "meaning" and purpose. Sincerely, I don't think it's a very nice idea to expose functions with the very same name but performing so much different operations on the same interface. I'd consider as a better choice to divide and distribute them between the HTMLDocument and the Window interfaces, removing any window related open() method from the former, so to make immediately clear what contest each method works on. If those methods were thought about as need for backward compatibility purpose, maybe they cold be moved to a third interface (called, i.e., HTMLBwdCompliantDocument), as well as any other property thought for backward/cross-browsing compliance and/or being deprecated, stating any object implementing the former interface must also implement the latter. Maybe the same could be done with other interfaces, to maintain a full compatibility with HTML 2 DOM (perhaps in this case the "secondary" interface implementation could be not mandatory). Such process could be suitable to deprecate any method/attribute/interface before conclusively obsoleting it, in future specifications.


Let me come back to the non-JS scripts question. Let's assume that a script engine exists for a somewhat script language "SL", is compatible with the browser plug-in architecture and supports a technology such as liveconnect to gain access to any DOM interface and give back informations about the actual script context. Such engine could be embedded into the document as an object descendant of the head element, and a proper meta tag could bind the "SL" mime-type to that object: this would be specially suitable for event handler content attributes, while a script element could hold a proper set of attributes to recall a specific engine (i.e. some attributes corresponding to a classid, a codebase and a bypass mode, the latter specifying whether the plugged-in script engine must be preferred to a native one, or not). Some special restriction could be applied to such a script engine, such as running separate processes for any independent script context, asking the user for permission when a plug-in is required for scripting, requiring the engine neither attempts to directly access the network (this would be exclusive duty of the networking task source), nor to gain access to any other running process or system library but what allowed for communicating with the user agent or for proper execution, and establishing a testing and certification mechanism (eventually optional) to verify the fulfilment of such requirements (this might work very fine if a standard plug-in architecture were defined and universally adopted). So doing we'd have defined a pluggable script engine architecture, which could be the base for a future cross language script interaction architecture (providing the script contexts isolation is not violated), or a part of a future, more complex and complete, COM/CORBA (or the alike) based architecture.


It's been reported that people are asking for non string messaging, but a few constraints should be considered. First, no access is granted to the network physical layer, so the API should take it as a black box and make the most conservative choices, in order to keep communications as reliable as possible: this leads to a need for a string serialization of structured data, which could be done either at the DOM level or by the networking task source. Furthermore, the message might be handled by a piece of code written in a language other than the one generating it, so a DOM level data serialization might be a good solution for both a client-server and a cross-document messaging (thus the actual string "nature" of a message content could be preserved), and consequently a whole object serialization should be avoided for anything but DOM elements, unless it is thought HTML 5 DOM must define a complete set of interfaces for data structures which are neither document, nor browsing strictly related (I don't feel to agree with such an idea, because that could mean to put hands over a range of things which are in the scope of a script language grammar and semantics, more than in the scope of a DOM). This means, i.e., programmer should not assume an ECMAScript Array object would carry on its prototype full range of properties and methods (this should not happen at all, according to me).

However, I think a compromise can be found. Since most programmers, as well as a part of current specifications (at least for event handling), are somehow focused on ECMAScript capabilities, I'd consider a JSON-style serialization, since that easily evaluates into an ECMAScript object literal, holding properties labelled either by names or even digits, and accessible as they were array items, so it could "emulate" the basic structure of about any kind of data. For instance, a number could be carried on as a field in its base-10 string representations, while digit-labelled fields could represent an array, and any field with a non-digit-only label could represent a value/name pair (accessible as an associative array item - that is, something like 'array["label"]'). As far as every field contains a string (i.e. quoted data) or another object literal (avoiding any function and variable reference, even direct references to DOM elements), a somewhat "porting" to other languages should be quite possible, since most should provide at least the basic array semantic and a somewhat associative structure should be realizable, while script languages usually provides the semantics of runtime inferred types (other languages, with strong, compile-time typization, like Java, should be capable to allow the creation of maps/hashtables holding labelled items of any actual type through a class hierarchy, or just taking everything as a string).

To avail of such a serialization, as a compromise for non-string messaging through a string interface, HTML 5 should provide some facilities, defining the serialization rules along with a few methods to serialize/de-serialize and an interface capable to handle the de-serialized object (to be binded to an array-like or object-literal-like object in ECMAScript -- any method required by the interface should be not enumerable), with no particular constraint for the type of field values (or at least allowing strings), and a pair of methods to get each item by name and by index, the latter perhaps only working with digit-labelled items (to replicate the object literal and array behaviour in ECMAScript), and describing the opportunity to access any item as an array element, according to the language semantics and syntax, in order to gain the largest possible behavioural uniformity (another method, such as a "nextItem" could be considered to allow a "label-agnostic" exploration in the manner of the ECMAScript "for in" statement).

A special care would be needed for binary data. From an agnostic point of view upon the network layer, a conservative approach would lead to a base64 encoding, demanding to the networking task source the choice of a different encoding if base64 weren't appropriate for a particular communication protocol and network layout (thus, performing either a transcoding or a "wrapping" - that is, re-encoding the base64 encoded content so that it'll be decoded into base64 again). Once encoded in base64, the binary data would be ready for insertion in a JSON-like string as the content of a "binary-data" (or the alike labelled) field. The implementation of the base64 decode algorithm should ensure the original content is preserved without alterations (i.e., if the decoded buffer were a string instead of a raw collection of bytes, a proper charset should be used, to avoid any clash with charset reserved bytes/byte-groups). Once a cross-language infrastructure were defined, a different (and perhaps better) serialization could be defined, such to grant the exchange of code along with data, thus enabling code migration in a somewhat distributed computing or even agent-based environment.

OK, the lynching may start...

Regards, Alex

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