
I'm dealing with a proof where I would like to apply an `inversion_pr`
on a task of the form:

    axiom foo: exists x. A[x]

This doesn't seem to be possible so I looked for a Why3 transformation
that would transform this task into something like:

    constant x.
    axiom foo: A[x]

so that I could use the `inversion_pr` transformation. Once again, this
doesn't seem to exist. So I tried to write one, and I got this:

    open Ident
    open Term
    open Decl

    let rec eliminate_exists_aux pr t =
      match t.t_node with
      | Tquant (Texists, q) ->
         let vsl, _, t' = t_open_quant q in
         let intro_var subst vs =
           let ls = create_lsymbol (id_clone vs.vs_name) [] (Some
vs.vs_ty) in
           Mvs.add vs (fs_app ls [] vs.vs_ty) subst, create_param_decl ls
         let subst, dl = Lists.map_fold_left intro_var Mvs.empty vsl in
         let t' = t_subst subst t' in
         let t = t_label_copy t t' in
         dl @ eliminate_exists_aux pr t
      | _ ->
         [create_prop_decl Pgoal pr t]

    let eliminate_exists d =
      match d.d_node with
      | Dprop (Paxiom, pr, t) ->
         eliminate_exists_aux pr t
      | _ -> [d]

    let () = Trans.register_transform "eliminate_exists" (Trans.decl
eliminate_exists None)
      ~desc:"Destructs the axioms of the form 'exists x. A[x]'."

(I also joined the .ml file to this email.)

The `eliminate_exists_aux` function is heavily inspired by the `intros`
one in `src/transform/introduction.ml`.

The compilation goes well, and the transformation is available in the
IDE. But when I try to use it, nothing happens. I tried to use debug
messages, and the transformation seems to be applied on the right task,
but nothing changes in the IDE, except that, when I try to apply other
transformations, they are only scheduled but never applied: the IDE
seems to be blocked in an inconsistent state.

I must have missed something. Can you help me with that?

Thanks by advance,

Nicolas Jeannerod

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(*  The Why3 Verification Platform   /   The Why3 Development Team  *)
(*  Copyright 2010-2016   --   INRIA - CNRS - Paris-Sud University  *)
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(*  This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser  *)
(*  General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception  *)
(*  on linking described in file LICENSE.                           *)
(*                                                                  *)

open Ident
open Term
open Decl

let rec eliminate_exists_aux pr t =
  match t.t_node with
  | Tquant (Texists, q) ->
     let vsl, _, t' = t_open_quant q in
     let intro_var subst vs =
       let ls = create_lsymbol (id_clone vs.vs_name) [] (Some vs.vs_ty) in
       Mvs.add vs (fs_app ls [] vs.vs_ty) subst, create_param_decl ls
     let subst, dl = Lists.map_fold_left intro_var Mvs.empty vsl in
     let t' = t_subst subst t' in
     let t = t_label_copy t t' in
     dl @ eliminate_exists_aux pr t
  | _ ->
     [create_prop_decl Pgoal pr t]
let eliminate_exists d =
  match d.d_node with
  | Dprop (Paxiom, pr, t) ->
     eliminate_exists_aux pr t
  | _ -> [d]

let () = Trans.register_transform "eliminate_exists" (Trans.decl 
eliminate_exists None)
  ~desc:"Destructs the axioms of the form 'exists x. A[x]'."
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