[jira] Updated: (WICKET-363) Push behavior to handle server side events

2007-06-10 Thread Alastair Maw (JIRA)


Alastair Maw updated WICKET-363:

Fix Version/s: 1.4.0-alpha

Sorry, 1.4.0 for this.

> Push behavior to handle server side events
> --
> Key: WICKET-363
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-363
> Project: Wicket
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>  Components: wicket
>Affects Versions: 1.3.0-beta1
>Reporter: Xavier Hanin
> Fix For: 1.4.0-alpha
> Attachments: push-wicket-examples-patch.txt, push-wicket-patch.txt
> It would be nice to have some kind of server side push mechanism in wicket. 
> Something similar to what is possible with AjaxRequestTarget, but triggered 
> by server side events instead of client side events.
> I've already discussed that on the user mailing list:
> http://www.nabble.com/server-side-triggered-page-refresh-%28aka-push%29-tf3321420.html#a9234009
> http://www.nabble.com/Pushing-data-to-the-Ajax-client-in-wicket--tf3354017.html
> I will attach a patch implementing a basic push behavior.

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[jira] Updated: (WICKET-363) Push behavior to handle server side events

2007-03-06 Thread Xavier Hanin (JIRA)


Xavier Hanin updated WICKET-363:

Attachment: push-wicket-examples-patch.txt

Attached a patch to wicket-1.x branch for both wicket and wicket-examples 

I've added the feature in wicket directly, but it doesn't require any change in 
wicket, so it could be in wicket-extensions or even in wicket stuff. But I 
thought it was small and simple enough to find its way here.

> Push behavior to handle server side events
> --
> Key: WICKET-363
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-363
> Project: Wicket
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>  Components: wicket
>Affects Versions: 1.3
>Reporter: Xavier Hanin
> Attachments: push-wicket-examples-patch.txt, push-wicket-patch.txt
> It would be nice to have some kind of server side push mechanism in wicket. 
> Something similar to what is possible with AjaxRequestTarget, but triggered 
> by server side events instead of client side events.
> I've already discussed that on the user mailing list:
> http://www.nabble.com/server-side-triggered-page-refresh-%28aka-push%29-tf3321420.html#a9234009
> http://www.nabble.com/Pushing-data-to-the-Ajax-client-in-wicket--tf3354017.html
> I will attach a patch implementing a basic push behavior.

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