Hi list,

We have a domain class containing an XML string that needs to be 
transformed to XHTML, but we'd like to have a 2-phase transformation: an 
XSLT to generate wicket markup, and then a parsing and binding of this 
generated markup, using BookmarkablePageLink and other wicket components.

Is it possible to inject new markup elements into the wicket page 
representation, and bind these new elements to Component instances?

In more detail:
We want to display a domain class that has an XML string as one of its 

public class DomainClass {
   private String title;
   private String introText;
   private String xml;


In order to properly display a DomainClass on a page, the xml needs to 
be transformed to XHTML. However, this XHTML is supposed to contain 
links to wicket pages that will have to be built by the transforming 
component, as we don't want the XSLT to contain hard-coded links.

        <e:asset src="happy-user.png"/>
       Videbam enim plenam ecclesiam, et alius sic ibat, alius autem 
sic. mihi autem displicebat, quod agebam in saeculo, et oneri mihi erat 
valde, non iam  inflammantibus cupiditatibus, ut solebant, spe honoris 
et <e:keyword-ref keyword-id="money">pecuniae</e:keyword-ref>pecuniae ad 
tolerandam illam servitutem tam gravem. iam enim me illa non 
delectabant, prae  ulcedine tua et decore domus tuae, quam dilexi;

the wicket markup for displaying a DomainClass would be
<div wicket:id="domainClassOutput">
    <span wicket:id="title" class="title">domainClassTitle</span><br />
    <span wicket:id="intro" class="intro">domainClassIntroText</span><br />
    <span wicket:id="formattedText" 
class="text">domainClassText</span><br />

The endresult we want for the XML transformation is:
    <img src="http://myserver/_img/happy-user.png"; alt="happy user" />
       Videbam enim plenam ecclesiam, et alius sic ibat, alius autem 
sic. mihi autem displicebat, quod agebam in saeculo, et oneri mihi erat 
valde, non iam  inflammantibus cupiditatibus, ut solebant, spe honoris 
et <a 
ad tolerandam illam servitutem tam gravem. iam enim me illa non 
delectabant, prae  ulcedine tua et decore domus tuae, quam dilexi;

The easy way would be to use 1 XSLT, generating the above XHTML 
directly, using hardcoded URLs for images and internal links. We'd 
really prefer to use wicket components instead of hard coded links, 
though - so we'd need an intermediate, dynamic wicket markup like this:

    <img wicket:id="dynamicImage1" />
       Videbam enim plenam ecclesiam, et alius sic ibat, alius autem 
sic. mihi autem displicebat, quod agebam in saeculo, et oneri mihi erat 
valde, non iam  inflammantibus cupiditatibus, ut solebant, spe honoris 
et <a wicket:id="dynamicLink1">pecuniae</a> ad tolerandam illam 
servitutem tam gravem. iam enim me illa non delectabant, prae  ulcedine 
tua et decore domus tuae, quam dilexi;

which can be bound in the code by doing something like this:

[for each image that was found in the parsed xml]
WebMarkupContainer webMarkupContainer = new 
webMarkupContainer.add(new AttributeModifier("src", true, new 

[for each keyword reference that was found in the parsed xml]
BookmarkablePageLink link = new BookmarkablePageLink(dynamicLinkId, 

Any suggestions as to how to accomplish this?


Wouter Huijnink
Func. Internet Integration
W http://www.func.nl
T +31 20 4230000
F +31 20 4223500

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