> However, the session passed to the backend isn't always the same one,
> causing the back-end to throw exceptions.

Then there is something wrong that is not Wicket related. Wicket just
passes/ uses the underlying httpSession.

> Is there something i can do to
> maintain the httpSession (and keep it alive).

Set the timeout value in web.xml

> How come i can't get the
> httpSession from the wicket session (like i can with the request)?

We removed that in Wicket 1.2 as I've seen a couple of bad uses of it.
Basically that was people taking the easy way and depending on
HttpSession instead of Wicket's Session without a good reason.

If you use Wicket's default settings, Session sits on HttpSession. An
alternative strategy to getting the session from the request is to
expose get/setAttribute from wicket.Session in a custom Wicket

> Understandably, modifying the existing application opens a whole new can of
> beans... and is outside the scope of the project.

Yeah, that shouldn't be necesarry. You should find out how having
seperate sessions happens.

> Thanks for your help,
> Nils

Good luck,


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