[Wicket-user] error pages

2006-11-07 Thread Lusebrink, Scott E CTR DISA GIG-CS
Title: error pages My project has a requirement to not show stack traces in production mode. with getApplicationSettings().setInternalErrorPage(ErrorPage.class); set I still receive an Unexpected RuntimeException page with a full stack trace, absolute path to the war and package structure,

[Wicket-user] palette validator

2006-09-13 Thread Lusebrink, Scott E CTR DISA GIG-CS
Title: palette validator how can i make the selected list of a palette require, so that it is invalid if the selected list is empty. I can not get to the form components to add validators because the methods are all private.

[Wicket-user] Mounted pages and page parameters

2006-05-16 Thread Lusebrink, Scott E CTR DISA GIG-CS
Title: Mounted pages and page parameters page parameters are not behaving similar when using a mounted path versus the bookmarkable page url mounting a page to a url should not affect how parameters are passed in these 2 urls should both pass in the tsrNum parameter

[Wicket-user] date picker settings first day

2006-05-04 Thread Lusebrink, Scott E CTR DISA GIG-CS
Title: date picker settings first day the datepickersettings.setFirstDate does not work. this is due to a typo in the DatePickerSettings.toString if (getFirstDay() != 0) { b.append(\n\tfistDay : ).append(getFirstDay()).append(,); } this should read firstDay : also considering that the