[Wicket-user] (No subject)

2007-06-08 Thread Volodymyr Sobotovich
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[Wicket-user] DefaultRequestTargetResolverStrategy

2007-06-08 Thread Volodymyr Sobotovich
Hello, everyone!

I've got the following problem using Wicket-1.2.6:

I have class EcoBasePage. ManualPage is its subclass.
EcoBasePage acts as a template that holds navigation links and
ManualPage inserts in it static html-page that is adressed by selected
link. Here is ManualPage.html:

iframe wicket:id=manualContentFrame src=manual/Page0.html/

(attribute src is actually variable depending on the navigation links).

And when I click on the link I get the 404 error message in the frame.

The structure of my app is:
   - Page0.html

After changing it to
  - Page0.html
the problem has gone.

After exploring the problem I found that
WebExternalResourceRequestTarget.respond(RequestCycle requestCycle)
resolves resources using its url attribute. And url is
/eco/manual/Page0.html. eco is the name of my servlet and it has
nothing to do with resource resolving.
It's populated through the following lines:

// DefaultRequestTargetResolverStrategy.resolveExternalResource(...)
final String url = '/' + requestCycle.getRequest().getRelativeURL();
return new WebExternalResourceRequestTarget(url);

// ServletWebRequest.getRelativeURL()
String url = httpServletRequest.getServletPath();
final String pathInfo = httpServletRequest.getPathInfo();
if (pathInfo != null)
url += pathInfo;

I think that it's DefaultRequestTargetResolverStrategy's bug. It
should use getPath() instead of getRelativeURL().

I'm actually a freshman in Wicket and web development in general. Is
it really Wicket's bug or I've missed something important?

Thanks in advance

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