Dear Wicket,

I've just started to look at Wicket so I apologize if this is a complete
newbie question. I've searched the docs but haven't found an answer to
my question, so I was hoping you could help.

Briefly, I have a List of POJOs which I want to display. Do I really
have to do this?

(In Java code)

        add(new ListView("users", view.getUsers()) {
            public void populateItem(final ListItem p_item) {
                final User user = (User) p_item.getModelObject();
                p_item.add(new Label("username", user.getUsername()));
                p_item.add(new Label("password", user.getPassword()));

(In HTML template)

      <tr wicket:id="users">
        <td><span wicket:id="username"></span></td>
        <td><span wicket:id="password"></span></td>
Every time I add a property to my User POJO, I have to add a line of
code in the Java code *and* in the HTML template. This violates the DRY
principle in my book.
Isn't there a way to bind a POJO directly and then access its properties
in the HTML template in a OGNL/FreeMarker/etc. type of way?

Many thanks for your help!

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