Dear wien2k users,

I try to launch jobs on lava queuing system from w2web. In the execution type, I
have bsub=cat %f > w2web-job;bsub -n4 < hp2.bsub. Below is the hp2.bsub script.
This does not work. Any idea what's wrong?

In addition, where can I find the master-job-template qsub-job0_lapw? I do not
find it in $WIENROOT.

C?line Hin.


#BSUB -o job.out
#BSUB -e job.err

cd /home/celine/wienessaie/Wienessaie_mpi/Si9

# copy the machines file in
#cp $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k .machines

set mpijob=1

echo nodes for this job: $LSB_HOSTS

set proclist=`echo $LSB_HOSTS`
set nproc=$#proclist
echo number of processors: $nproc

echo '#' > .machines

# example for an MPI parallel lapw0
#echo -n 'optimize.job:' >> .machines
#set i=1
#while ($i <= $nproc )
#echo -n "$proclist[$i] " >>.machines
#@ i = $i + 1
#echo ' ' >>.machines

#example for k-point and mpi parallel lapw1/2
set i=1
while ($i <= $nproc )
echo -n '1:' >>.machines
@ i1 = $i + $mpijob
@ i2 = $i1 - 1
echo $proclist[$i-$i2] >>.machines
set i=$i1
echo 'granularity:1' >>.machines
echo 'extrafine:1' >>.machines

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