In SRC_lapw0/inputpars.F, it looks like SWITCH3 corresponds with putting either KXC or screened exchange-correlation energy and no exchange-correlation potential (e.g., EX_SPBE VX_SPBE VX_NONE VC_NONE) in case.in0_grr.

The message "Charged cell and SWITCH3 not possible", and "Charged cells AND E-tot decomposition not possible" message that you likely also have in case.output0_grr, seems to be the same as the post at the link you provided.  So yes, it seems that hybrid functional calculations for charged cells is still not possible.

On 1/11/2018 12:08 AM, Marcelo Barbosa wrote:
Dear Sirs,

I’m trying to calculate a charged cell using hybrid functionals but the following error shows up:

"Charged cell and SWITCH3 not possible”

Looking at the mailing list archive, I only found this link from 2013 about this subject ( but I’m not sure if the problem is related since I don’t know what SWITCH3 corresponds to.
Is it still not possible to use hybrid functionals for charged cells?

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,
Wien mailing list

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