Dear wien2k users,
    I'm interested in the absolute value of the cross section of the scattered 
atom, so using TELNES3, I calculate the energy dependent ELNES, 
such as O_K edge for only one equivalent O atom in the unit cell. If I 
integrate the calculated spectra, I will get the total cross 
section within an energy window. 
So my question is :
  What is the unit of spectra values in case.broadspec? Is it a.u.^2/eV? As I 
saw the comment in the source code (modula.F) that "we work in atomic units".
By the way, for the averaged spectrum, is the final (single) differential cross 
section divided by 4*pi or not (that is,scattered events per solid angle or the 
whole solid angle?)?
  Any response will be appreciated!

Best regards,
Zhen Chen

    PhD. candidate  Zhen Chen
Prof. Jianqi Li's group, A06
Beijing Laboratory of Electron Microscopy 
Institute of Physics 
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P. O. Box 603 
Beijing 100190, China
Tel: 86-10-82648001
????????zchen at
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