[Wien] DOS plot for spin-up and spin-down are different even with the application of spin-orbit coupling. Shouldn't it couple each other. Pls help

2012-04-11 Thread Madhav Ghimire
Dear Prof. Blaha, Thank you very very much for explaining the difference between results of DOS and bandstructure with and without SOC. Now i understand their difference and can visualize the picture nicely. On your explanation, you raised one very important and interesting point about the "fat

[Wien] DOS plot for spin-up and spin-down are different even with the application of spin-orbit coupling. Shouldn't it couple each other. Pls help

2012-04-11 Thread Madhav Ghimire
Dear Prof. Blaha, Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I am bit confused with the statement you provided for DOS (my first question). (a) Did you mean that the appearance of DOS plot for spin up and spin down should be coupled to single DOS plot like the band structure. * If it is so, I a

[Wien] DOS plot for spin-up and spin-down are different even with the application of spin-orbit coupling. Shouldn't it couple each other. Pls help

2012-04-11 Thread Peter Blaha
Of course you get two different DOS plot for up and dn. Add them together and you get the total DOS corresponding to your bandstructure. You also get two different DOS for s and d states of an atom, although you have only ONE band structure and not one bandstructure for s and another one for d-s

[Wien] DOS plot for spin-up and spin-down are different even with the application of spin-orbit coupling. Shouldn't it couple each other. Pls help

2012-04-11 Thread Madhav Ghimire
Dear wien2k developers and users, Since few weeks, I am concentrating on the calculations of spin-polarized iridates with inclusion of spin-orbit coupling. The guidance from Prof. Blaha is greatly appreciated for identifying the problem with initso_lapw and sending me the proper file. That matt

[Wien] DOS plot for spin-up and spin-down are different even with the application of spin-orbit coupling. Shouldn't it couple each other. Pls help

2012-04-11 Thread Peter Blaha
SO couples spin-up and dn, thus you get only "one" band structure. Still, you could use the "fat-bands" and indicate the spin-up and dn character of each band. In most cases you will still see a clear domination of either spin-up or dn in a single ("mixed") eigenvalue. The same we do for the DOS