On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 11:52:11AM +0530, Vijeta Singh wrote:
> Dear Wien2k users,
> I have a question concerning t2g-eg splitting. Suppose we have an
> orthorhombic system LaMnO3 as example. It has both structure Pnma and
> Pbnm.  For an orthorhombic system dxy, dyz and dxz are in t2g states and
> dx2-y2 and dz2 are in eg states. By using Pnma symmetry i am getting dxy,
> dyz and dz2 in t2g states and dxz and dx2-y2 in eg states. What is the
> reason behind this?


1) The reason is symmetry
2) t2g and eg are denominations of irreducible represetations (irreps)
   of the Oh (m-3m) symmetry group. When the crystal suffers deformations
   the Oh symmetry descends in the symmetry scale.
3) The subject is very deep and I love it.

Best regards,
             Dr. Víctor Luaña
     .  .    DEEP THOUGHT in D. Adams; Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy:
    / `' \   "I think the problem, to be quite honest with you,
   /(o)(o)\  is that you have never actually known what the question is."
  /`. \/ .'\ 
 /   '`'`   \ "Lo mediocre es peor que lo bueno, pero también es peor
 |  \'`'`/  | que lo malo, porque la mediocridad no es un grado, es una
 |  |'`'`|  | actitud"
  \/`'`'`'\/          -- Jorge Wasenberg, 2015
!            Dr.Víctor Luaña                 ! Mediocre is worse than
! Departamento de Química Física y Analítica ! good, but it is also
! Universidad de Oviedo, 33006-Oviedo, Spain ! worse than bad, because
! e-mail:   vic...@fluor.quimica.uniovi.es   ! mediocrity is not a grade,
! phone: +34-985-103491  fax: +34-985-103125 ! it is an attitude
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