Dear Prof. Blaha,
I use WIEN2K to calculate electron density at the nucleus under compression of 
the lattice. WIEN2K uses a point nucleus and generally predicts very small 
effect. Recently using another code that uses a finite nucleus, I found that 
the electron density at the nucleus (in the case of relatively large indium 
nucleus) could increase by a factor of two more than the prediction from a 
pointlike nucleus under the effect of compression. So the effect of finite 
nucleus seems to be important for such calculations at least for large nuclei. 

However that code uses independent electron model (i.e. ignores 
electron-electron repulsion potential)and puts the atom in an impentrable 
enclosure and reduces the size of the enclosure to study the effect of 
compression on the atom. I want to put in that code a realistic 
electron-electron repulsion potential from WIEN2K code so that it can use a 
quasi-DFT wave function. 

I think I can get a Table of electron-electron potential as a function of 
distance from the nucleus using WIEN2K code. However somehow I could not 
generate it. I request you kindly to send me the procedure to generate total 
electron-electron potential as a function of distance from the nucleus within 
the muffintin sphere of the atom. I am running an older version (WIEN2K 9.0) of 

With best regards

Amlan Ray
Variable Energy Cyclotron Center
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