Yes, you will get different lattice constants with different functionals,
and they will be (slightly) different from experiment. That is normal.

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 9:39 AM, Marzieh Gh <> wrote:

> Dear Prof.Blaha
> *       I am running wien version 13 on a machine of type 8 cores with
> operating system Linux version 3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64 , fortran compiler
> ifort and math libraries cc.
> The purpose of my calculations is to get quantity structure and optic.
> I am running this case (KTiOPO4.struct)
>    - The purpose of my calculations is to get quantity structure nd
>    optic.
>    - I am running this case (KTiOPO4.struct) using this input
> ·         Certainly give things like XC potential = GGA13,PBEsol,YSPBE0
> &YSPBE0(with opt alpha) &…
> rkmax = 6.5, size of
> ·         k-mesh = 2*4*2)
> ·         But obtain different laatice constants with experimental of
> them
> Please help me
> *Best regards*
> --
> Marzieh Ghoohestani
> PhD Student of Computational Nano Physics
> Nano Research Center, Department of Physics
> University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

Professor Laurence Marks
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Northwestern University
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