Bug ID: 64495
           Summary: Add missing globes to
           Product: Pywikibot
           Version: core (2.0)
          Hardware: All
                OS: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: Unprioritized
         Component: Wikidata
       Web browser: ---
   Mobile Platform: ---

These globes are supported right now:

    def globes(self, code):
        """Supported globes for Coordinate datatype"""
        return {
            'earth': '',
            'mars': '',
            'mercury': '',
            'mimas': '',
            'moon': '',
            'venus': '',

This is what I can pull from the database:

MariaDB [enwiki_p]> connect enwiki_p enwiki.labsdb;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Connection id:    41347153
Current database: enwiki_p

MariaDB [enwiki_p]> SELECT DISTINCT(gt_globe) FROM geo_tags LIMIT 100;
| gt_globe   |
| earth      |
| moon       |
| titan      |
| mars       |
| io         |
| mercury    |
| venus      |
| europa     |
| oberon     |
| phobos     |
| mimas      |
| ganymede   |
| enceladus  |
| tethys     |
| hyperion   |
| miranda    |
| umbriel    |
| callisto   |
| dione      |
| deimos     |
| phoebe     |
| ceres      |
| vesta      |
| rhea       |
| iapetus    |
| ariel      |
| titania    |
| triton     |
| pluto      |
| sun        |
| terra      |
| luna       |
| ida        |
| gaspra     |
| eros       |
| golevka    |
| borrelly   |
| jupiter    |
| metis      |
| adrastea   |
| amalthea   |
| thebe      |
| saturn     |
| pan        |
| atlas      |
| prometheus |
| pandora    |
| epimetheus |
| janus      |
| telesto    |
| calypso    |
| helene     |
| uranus     |
| cordelia   |
| ophelia    |
| bianca     |
| cressida   |
| desdemona  |
| juliet     |
| portia     |
| rosalind   |
| belinda    |
| puck       |
| neptune    |
| naiad      |
| thalassa   |
| despina    |
| galatea    |
| larissa    |
| proteus    |
| charon     |
71 rows in set (0.76 sec)

Some statistics:

MariaDB [enwiki_p]> SELECT gt_globe, COUNT(gt_globe) FROM geo_tags WHERE NOT
(gt_globe='earth' OR gt_globe='mars' OR gt_globe='mercury' OR gt_globe='mimas'
OR gt_globe='
moon' OR gt_globe='venus') GROUP BY gt_globe ORDER BY COUNT(gt_globe) LIMIT
| gt_globe   | COUNT(gt_globe) |
| metis      |               1 |
| charon     |               1 |
| sun        |               1 |
| belinda    |               1 |
| uranus     |               1 |
| pan        |               1 |
| eros       |               1 |
| despina    |               1 |
| desdemona  |               1 |
| janus      |               1 |
| adrastea   |               1 |
| terra      |               1 |
| puck       |               1 |
| cordelia   |               1 |
| atlas      |               1 |
| golevka    |               1 |
| galatea    |               1 |
| juliet     |               1 |
| telesto    |               1 |
| amalthea   |               1 |
| luna       |               1 |
| neptune    |               1 |
| ophelia    |               1 |
| prometheus |               1 |
| borrelly   |               1 |
| larissa    |               1 |
| portia     |               1 |
| calypso    |               1 |
| thebe      |               1 |
| ida        |               1 |
| naiad      |               1 |
| bianca     |               1 |
| pandora    |               1 |
| proteus    |               1 |
| rosalind   |               1 |
| helene     |               1 |
| saturn     |               1 |
| gaspra     |               1 |
| thalassa   |               1 |
| cressida   |               1 |
| epimetheus |               1 |
| ceres      |               2 |
| triton     |               2 |
| jupiter    |               2 |
| pluto      |               2 |
| vesta      |               3 |
| europa     |               4 |
| dione      |               5 |
| tethys     |               6 |
| deimos     |               6 |
| hyperion   |               7 |
| phoebe     |               8 |
| oberon     |              13 |
| miranda    |              14 |
| umbriel    |              17 |
| titania    |              21 |
| phobos     |              27 |
| ariel      |              28 |
| enceladus  |              49 |
| iapetus    |              72 |
| rhea       |              95 |
| callisto   |             143 |
| ganymede   |             147 |
| titan      |             150 |
| io         |             269 |
65 rows in set (0.58 sec)

Missing globes should be added or, if the list contains incorrect globes, fixed
on the English Wikipedia.

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