Summary: Wikimedia wikis' job queues need better monitoring
           Product: Wikimedia
           Version: unspecified
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: enhancement
          Priority: Normal
         Component: General/Unknown

Currently the job queues for Wikimedia wikis can become heavily backlogged
without anyone noticing. This is bad. Sometimes it's due to not enough job
runners being assigned, other times it's due to software problems, etc. The job
queue is quite important to MediaWiki, so having it run is important, as is
being notified when the job queue has gotten too backlogged or is broken.

A better monitoring and notification system (using mailing lists, IRC, nagios,
whatever) needs to be implemented for the job queue. This may relate to bug
27724, though adding a timestamp column is only one way you might implement
better monitoring.

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