Web browser: ---
            Bug ID: 59683
           Summary: Add some of the missing tables in commonswiki_f_p
           Product: Wikimedia Labs
           Version: unspecified
          Hardware: All
                OS: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: Unprioritized
         Component: tools
            Blocks: 58791
    Classification: Unclassified
   Mobile Platform: ---

commonswiki_p currently contains the following tables:

MariaDB [commonswiki_p]> show tables;
| Tables_in_commonswiki_p |
| abuse_filter            |
| abuse_filter_action     |
| abuse_filter_history    |
| abuse_filter_log        |
| archive                 |
| archive_userindex       |
| category                |
| categorylinks           |
| change_tag              |
| externallinks           |
| geo_killlist            |
| geo_tags                |
| geo_updates             |
| global_block_whitelist  |
| globalimagelinks        |
| hashs                   |
| hitcounter              |
| image                   |
| imagelinks              |
| interwiki               |
| ipblocks                |
| ipblocks_ipindex        |
| iwlinks                 |
| l10n_cache              |
| langlinks               |
| localisation            |
| localisation_file_hash  |
| logging                 |
| logging_logindex        |
| logging_userindex       |
| mark_as_helpful         |
| math                    |
| module_deps             |
| msg_resource            |
| msg_resource_links      |
| oldimage                |
| oldimage_userindex      |
| page                    |
| page_props              |
| page_restrictions       |
| pagelinks               |
| pif_edits               |
| povwatch_log            |
| povwatch_subscribers    |
| protected_titles        |
| recentchanges           |
| recentchanges_userindex |
| redirect                |
| revision                |
| revision_userindex      |
| site_identifiers        |
| site_stats              |
| sites                   |
| tag_summary             |
| templatelinks           |
| transcode               |
| updatelog               |
| updates                 |
| user                    |
| user_former_groups      |
| user_groups             |
| valid_tag               |
| wikilove_image_log      |
| wikilove_log            |
64 rows in set (0.04 sec)

The federated version only contains a very small subset of these:

MariaDB [commonswiki_f_p]> show tables;
| Tables_in_commonswiki_f_p |
| image                     |
| logging                   |
| logging_userindex         |
| page                      |
| revision                  |
| revision_userindex        |
| user                      |
7 rows in set (0.04 sec)

I would like to see all the missing tables added, but that seems to be a bridge
to far at this moment. So to get about this deadlock please at least add these

* categorylinks
* globalimagelinks 
* imagelinks
* langlinks
* oldimage
* oldimage_userindex
* page_props
* pagelinks
* recentchanges
* recentchanges_userindex
* templatelinks

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