[Wikidata-bugs] [Maniphest] [Changed Subscribers] T125500: Index Wikidata labels and descriptions as separate fields in ElasticSearch

2017-07-24 Thread daniel
daniel added subscribers: Lea_Lacroix_WMDE, Lydia_Pintscher.daniel added a comment. @Lea_Lacroix_WMDE @Lydia_Pintscher: this can now be tested live using the (undocumented) useCirrus parameter. Compare: sql: https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=""> cirrus:

[Wikidata-bugs] [Maniphest] [Changed Subscribers] T125500: Index Wikidata labels and descriptions as separate fields in ElasticSearch

2017-07-08 Thread daniel
daniel added a subscriber: Ladsgroup.daniel added a comment. Thanks for the fix @Smalyshev! @Ladsgroup can you update the elastic test site so it uses the latest master branch, so we can test this? Thanks!TASK DETAILhttps://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T125500EMAIL