Lea_Lacroix_WMDE added a subscriber: Lydia_Pintscher.
Lea_Lacroix_WMDE added a comment.

We had a meeting with @Lydia_Pintscher and @Jan_Dittrich to discuss about these ideas.

First of all, a few numbers; 306 users have the gadget activated so far, including 200 active users. The current number of active users is around 20.000. Which means that currently, 1% of the active users are already using the gadget.

We had a look at the 3 options, but none seems really adapted to what we need.

  1. Enabling a beta feature won't really give more visibility to the gadget. In the end, it's the communication around it that will help getting more users
  2. We don't think that adding a new button to the interface on items is a good idea, the interface is already quite full and it's better to keep all the settings in one place
  3. The pop-up thing should be kept for very important messages: people are already overwhelmed by pop-ups on the internet and we don't want to have that on Wikidata as well

Here's what we suggest instead: a communication operation explaining people what we want to do, and why we need their help. It could contain the following elements:

  • inform that we plan to enable the constraint gadgets for all logged-in users (with a date 4 weeks later)
  • explain that in the meantime, in order to test the resources and the caching and make sure that everything goes smoothly, we would love to have more people using the gadget
  • mention that we're still collecting feedback and people testing the gadget can write any comment about it
  • explain that it is also a good opportunity, while testing the gadget, to clean and improve the constraint definitions and the related messages
  • mention that if someone really doesn't want the feature enable, they should voice it now

The idea behind the last point is that, if less than 5 people say that they don't want it, we write a gadget to allow people to disable the constraint checks. If more than 5 active users say that they don't want it enabled, we should probably delay it while we fix the problems people mentioned.

I really believe that people will understand our reasons to ask for more users of the gadget, and some of them will be ready to help. Being transparent on our motivations will work better than a button or a pop-up and will reinforce the trust we try to keep with them.

Here's the deadline I suggest:

  • communication to the community: January 30th
  • enabling the constraint checks for all logged-in users: February 28th

What do you think?



To: Lea_Lacroix_WMDE
Cc: Lydia_Pintscher, Jan_Dittrich, Lea_Lacroix_WMDE, Jonas, Aklapper, Lahi, Gq86, Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, Agabi10, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
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