debt created this task.
debt added projects: Wikidata, Discovery, Structured-Data-Commons, Discovery-Analysis.


Querying databases

  • How many: mpegs, pngs, ogg, etc
    • Benefits to being able to answer question re: filetypes (example)
      • Validate future tools (currently focused on images)
      • Push to focus more on other media types (e.g. audio, video)
      • Would be good to show “here’s how many files that are images and why it’s okay for us to focus on those for now”
      • After MP3 upload is implemented
        • Track usage
          • Tell the story on how it went / how it’s going
    • Track organic growth rate of uploads (historical trends)
      • By file type (including 3D (STL), vector formats, etc)
      • Use case: Is there a desire to add / create more functionality for certain file types based on the growth of those file types
      • Don’t include files uploaded and then deleted before a certain threshold or uploaded by an account that was deleted (e.g. spam bots)
        • Some organizations look at how many of their files were deleted - due to image quality
        • What is the minimal viable upload quality
          • "Statements” (metadata) that were added after upload - compare that with deletions??
          • Would be great to be able to say “this is the metadata you should have if you want to ensure a good outcome”
          • Might be best shown with queries - rather than a dashboard (ongoing metric tracking)
          • What is the ‘median’ survival time of metadata? (What’s the number used for new articles?)



To: debt
Cc: Aklapper, mpopov, chelsyx, Abit, SandraF_WMF, Ramsey-WMF, Capt_Swing, debt, E1presidente, Jmmuguerza, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, EBjune, Acer, Avner, Gehel, FloNight, Susannaanas, Izno, Wikidata-bugs, PKM, Base, matthiasmullie, aude, Ricordisamoa, Fabrice_Florin, Raymond, Mbch331
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