As a part of a much longer reverie, which won't make a whole lot
of sense because I'm brainstorming about local talent and assets,
I conclude with the paragraph below.  I'm looking at Wikieducator
was a "window" through which new content flows and enters the
"meme pool" as OERs.

Making a school a center of excellence may sometimes mean
making it a "first run" venue.  The movie theater talk, a "first run
theater" is a place where new movies are first seen by a public.
"Second run" theaters have a lower admission price and show
films that have already been available for some time.

When skilled educators make their brand new curriculum assets
available to the world for the first time, they sometimes have a
choice of venues.  Given cyberspace, the possibilities quickly
multiply.  Have your art make its debut locally, at the school
which has your allegiance, and also globally, on Wikieducator.

This has been a working strategy for me in some cases.  I was
able to unveil a Martian Math class at a local college, but was
also able to point back to Wikieducator in the teacher notes,
as a place to get more information, in case wanting to share
some of this same material.

Here's the Martian Math page (part of Heuristics for Teachers):

(warning, this stuff is pretty dense, which is why it's good to
see the translation to a local course "on the ground" that
provides its own value added -- click on Example Course in
the first sentence if curious).

Here's the rambling "longer reverie" excerpt, mentioned above:

Speaking of animation houses, they're in a position to empower
simply by choosing where to exhibit exclusive content. I've argued
that schools, such as high schools, if wanting to upgrade and become
true centers of excellence, need to become places where some of the
art is making its debut. Students and teachers may be among the
final editors, so what you see is in part a local project. Yet the
raw material, furnished by animation houses, techie toon producers,
is spanking new. This is how new OERs make it into the meme pool,
through these schools. They're slated to become open assets, but
still need to come from somewhere. Wikieducator is another example,
of where new material enters the shared pool. That's a window for
Synergetics these days, via Martian Math.

Thanks to all for making Wikiedcuator a leading launch point
for open education resources (open data, open source etc.).


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