Hi Everyone,

I found this 2008 University of Nottingham study on Mobile Phones and
secondary education, and thought it might be of interest.

Several interesting things caught my eye:

1. the fact that in many schools, students 'own' their mobile phones, not
necessarily the computers. (Physical ownership and use feels good);

2. the list of 15 Useful Things Students Do with Mobile Phones (below)

Could we use some of the 15 or more useful things to design appropriate and
culturallly-relevant learning activities?

What role could WikiEducator play in learning that uses mobile phones?

*Fifteen useful things students did with mobile phones*
1 Timing experiments with stopwatch
2 Photographing apparatus and results of experiments for reports
3 Photographing development of design models for eportfolios
4 Photographing texts/whiteboards for future review
5 Bluetoothing project material between group members
6 Receiving SMS & email reminders from teachers
7 Synchronising calendar/timetable and setting reminders
8 Connecting remotely to school learning platform
9 Recording a teacher reading a poem for revision
10 Accessing revision sites on the Internet
11 Creating short narrative movies
12 Downloading and listening to foreign language podcasts
13 Logging into the school email system
14 Using GPS to identify locations
15 Transferring files between school and home

-- Randy
Randy Fisher
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