Hi Alison,

I mantain my PC opened because of the climate here in Cancun, so it was
really easy to me take some pics for you. Please let me know if I can email
them to you =)

2009/4/22 Alison Snieckus <alison.sniec...@gmail.com>

> I found an image on WE that doesn't have any source or licensing
> documentation: http://www.wikieducator.org/Image:OpenComputer.jpg .I am
> interested in using this image, but it may not be licensed for use on WE.
> It's currently used on "3.2 Hardware Components,"
> http://www.wikieducator.org/3.2_Hardware_components .  The text on the
> Hardware Components page indicates that the image came from Flickr, but I
> wasn't able to find it there.
> I'm wondering how we handle these situations.
> Thanks, Alison
> >

Gladys Gahona
Private Teacher (Math, Physics, Chemistry) Secondary & Tertiary grades.

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