Hi all,

We have officially entered the last week of this year's competition (for
most nations). Things look great thanks to the efforts by all organizers!
In the past couple of days submissions have picked up significantly.
Yesterday was the best day so far with almost 10,000 submissions. One more
week and it's time for the last push.

We have started a countdown on our social media outlets, where we make
daily posts until the last day:
Feel free to share our posts on your own social media. If you need
localized versions contact me and I can send you the original files or
modify them for you.

Make sure to keep an eye on the stats tools we have:
In particular, in the 2nd one when you click on details you can get
information on the uploaders and uploads per day. Sometimes it's useful to
check out the uploaders and encourage them to upload more :) Also make sure
you tell your previous winners to participate they have been through the
process so they are already familiar with the steps and the procedure.

Also ask others for help in outreach. If there are social media accounts
with large number of followers ask them to mention WLM in their accounts
and encourage their followers to participate. Just be creative and try to
expand your reach through other people's network.

Finally, feel free to reach out to me if I can be of any help.

Go Wiki Loves Monuments!
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