Forwarding this announcement from the Wikimedia blog:

Announcing the search for the Wikimedia Foundation’s Chief Communications

A few weeks ago, Jay Walsh stepped down as head of Communications for the
Wikimedia Foundation. I was sad to see Jay leave — for nearly six years
he’s guided WMF communications activities with unerring judgement and
poise. He’s been a trusted colleague and a good friend to the movement.

Today, we’re announcing an international search for his replacement: a
Chief Communications Officer (CCO) to lead the WMF’s small communications

It’s a unique job. Wikipedia is super-famous and the press and general
public are highly interested in us. We’re likelier to turn down press
opportunities than to seek them out. Unusually for an organization
representing a famous brand, we tend to speak freely, rather than aiming to
restrict access to information about us, and we do it in collaboration with
a decentralized global network of volunteer spokespeople. We don’t try to
significantly control or shape people’s perceptions of Wikipedia because we
believe brand perception emerges organically out of users’ day-to-day
experiences with a product. People love Wikipedia, and so do we: that means
we’ve got no reason to be overly controlling about our public image.

We want a CCO who believes in the WMF vision and shares our values. He or
she will manage communications at the WMF and across the projects we
operate, ensuring a fast and easy flow of information in multiple
languages, both internally within the Wikimedia movement and externally
with the press, readers, donors and general public. The full CCO job
description, including required qualifications, can be found here.

To help in the recruitment process, we’ve engaged Chaloner Associates, an
executive search firm specializing in communications roles. If you’re
interested in the role, or want to suggest potential candidates, you can
write to Amy Segelin ( or Kassie Wilner ( at Chaloner. You can also apply online here. If you’re
a Wikimedia community member, please say that in your application since
it’s a plus for us. Also please note we don’t discriminate on the basis of
ethnic origin, nationality, religion, political perspective, sex, age,
disability, gender identity or sexual orientation, and we particularly
value international experience and fluency in languages in addition to

We expect to begin interviewing candidates in December, and hope to have a
new CCO in place in January.

Please join me in thanking Jay for his many years of service to the
Wikimedia movement, and please share this post with your networks.

Sue Gardner


Matthew Roth
Global Communications Manager
Wikimedia Foundation
+1.415.839.6885 ext 6635
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