Dear Wikimedians,
Dear members of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee,

Today I am excited to share a document with you that I hope will help
level up the global conversations about Movement Governance to be well
informed and solution-oriented.

Our team at Wikimedia Deutschland developed two scenarios for a future
movement governance model. Both scenarios are built upon the “ensure
equity in decision-making” recommendation and describe a future global
council. In Scenario 1, this council advises the WMF Board of
Trustees. In Scenario 2, the Council is a General Assembly that
governs the movement. Scenario 2 over time would likely result in the
formation of an international organization, and a gradual
redistribution of tasks among affiliates, WMF and the new entity.

As a basis for this paper, our team conducted a review of
international organizations and their governance models. We found that
these operate predominantly as international membership organizations
as described in Scenario 2.

These scenarios are not the ultimate wisdom. Our intention is for this
conversation to become more concrete, and most importantly, begin it
by agreeing on where the journey will go – before starting to collect
content for the charter. So we encourage the members of the MCDC to
review the scenarios, discuss, add to or adjust them, and then –
before they start drafting – determine which one they will base their
work on.

The Movement Strategy team at WMDE is happy to engage in conversations
about these and possible other scenarios that can help further inform
and enrich the transformation towards a more equitable movement. The
value base and language of the charter will shape the movement for
decades to come. One thing is especially important to note: While many
questions will arise from these conversations, no one in particular is
currently able to immediately have answers – not WMDE, not the WMF,
not any other body. Answers will come step by step through the
sensemaking of the MCDC and its consultations with the movement, and
finding each answer will take time.

Kind regards,

Nicole Ebber
Director Movement Strategy and Global Relations

Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 219 158 26-0

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