Sorry for crossposting;


Dear Wikimedia friends,

Last week, I have published the documentation of the Wikimedia Conference
2015.[1] For many sessions, participants and speakers agreed on further
steps to be taken in the next weeks and months. You find them on Meta.[1]

In three weeks, many of us will gather again in Mexico City for the
Wikimania. To make the best out of this opportunity and continue the
conversations started at the Wikimedia conference in a structured way,  I’m
organising a “WMCON Follow-Up Day” one day before the Wikimania itself, on
Thursday, July 16. At this day, you will find the opportunity to discuss
six different topics (one of them is still tbc). For each topic we will
have around 90 min, which should be sufficient to discuss details and lay
the ground for further steps. And there is still some space available for
two further topics. Email me if you’re interested in giving input.

The Follow-Up Day will take place in the Fiesta Inn Hotel, which is right
next to the Hilton Mexico City Reforma where the Wikimania takes place.

You can find all the information on the Wikimania wiki:

For an easier planning and to increase the chances for coordination and
engagement between participants/speakers during preparation, please sign up

I’m really looking forward to seeing you!



Cornelius Kibelka
Program and Engagement Coordinator (PEC)
for the Wikimedia Conference

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