Dear community:

Below you will find the report of activities of the month of April 2014
done by the volunteers of Wikimedia Mexico. Please don't hesitate to get in
touch with us if you require extra information about this activities or
only to make some suggestions.

The report is also available on Spanish and English in our wiki: (Spanish) (English)

Kindly regards on behalf our chapter.

Carmen Alcázar (User:Wotancito)
WMMX Secretary.

==Migrahack Mexico City==

Wikimedia Mexico was part of the initiative of running a migrahack in
Mexico City and supported the organization. The point of the event was to
gather together journalists, academics, students, NGOs and programmers to
collect and put order to disperse data about migration in Mexico and to do
some data mining to obtain new knowledge on that topics, and generate
statistics. Wikimedia Mexico, trough our volunteer and Board member Alan
Lazalde gave some talks to show the importance of free knowledge and open
access to data in order to create new knowledge based on that.

The results of the Migrahack are in the web page ot the Institute for
Justice and Journalism.

==Aldea Digital 2014==

For the second year in a row, Aldea Digital was held at Mexico City, a
digital inclusion event at the main square of Mexico City, with a very high
attendance. A strategy covering the full 17 days of the event was planned,
but a few days before the event its organizers made changes to its program
and thus only required Wikimedia Mexico's presence during only one day of
talks and a keynote by Iván Martínez.

On April 11, the Wikimedia Mexico team gave a full day of introductory 20
minutes talks of Wikipedia. According to organizers stats, about 1,300
people attended to our program of talks given by volunteers Omar Sandoval
(10 talks), Christian Cariño (5 talks), Andrés Cruz y Corro (5 talks),
Adrián Cerón (5 talks), Rodolfo Galicia (5 talks), Anny Garcia and Gustavo
Sandoval Kingwergs (5 talks). This event required a high effort on our
part, but was a very grateful experience for our chapter. In order to avoid
the fatigue of talking for several hours in a row, our volunteers took
turns giving the talks, reducing the overall tiredness and encouraging
everyone to become a better speaker for future Wikimedia Mexico events.

On April 21, Iván Martínez gave the keynote "Freedom in the Free
Encyclopedia. The Foundations of Wikipedia's Freedom". The talk, with a
duration of an hour and a half, was attended by 131 participants and was
presented as one of the main contents of the event by Aldea Digital's
organizing staff. In the same stage Steve Wozniak, Moshe Hogeg (Mobli
creator), Walter Bender (MIT researcher) and Yin Lou (Coursera) gave a
keynote each. -

// Photo: Andres Crúz y Corro during a talk in Aldea Digital:

==Children's Day at Biblioteca Vasconcelos==

The Biblioteca Vasconcelos (Vasconcelos Library), venue for the next
Wikimania 2015, held an event organized on occasion of Children's Day,
celebrated annually in Mexico on April 30. The Library gave us the option
to read stories to children. However, when the Wikimedia Mexico community
realized the public was expected to be aged 3 to 10 years, we decided to
innovate and make an original story based on the core values ​​of
Wikipedia: free knowledge, sharing, curiosity and freedom.

Our volunteer Andrés Cruz y Corro, also a NaNoWriMo participant, wrote a
story called "An adventure called knowledge". This story was told on April
27 and was very well received by the children as a way to convey the values
​​behind Wikipedia in a fun and different way. We encourage other Wikimedia
colleagues to use this story as a way to reach out to younger children and
instill the seed of free knowledge. A translated copy of the story to
English will be available in a few days.

// Watch the gallery in Commons:

- April 1
*Second day of the Wikipedia workshop by Nohemí Chilpa at the Universidad
Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa (UAM-I) as part of CEUAMI's Semana
de Talleres del Capitulo de las Ciencias de la Computacion de la
UAM-Iztapalapa (Worhshop Week at the Computer Sciences Chapter of UAM)
*Meeting of Wikipedistas en Puebla with SocialTic.

- April 3
* Q & A session by Christian Cariño with Prof. Adriana Álvarez' class under
WMMX's Education Program at National Autonomous University of Mexico's
(UNAM) Philosophy and Letters Faculty within the Historical Analysis

// Read the full report:

- April 8
* WMMX's Participation at Universidad Tecnológica Emiliano Zapata's
Technology Fest 2014 event in Morelos State: Omar Sansi imparted a
Wikipedia workshop and Christian gave a talk about the encyclopedia.

// Read the full report:

- April 11
*Participation in Aldea Digital. A total of 30 Wikipedia workshops, each
for 30 people during 20 minutes, offered by Wikimedia México's (Omar
Sansi/Omar_sansi, Christian Cariño/User:Christian Cariño, Andrés
Cruz/User:Andycyca, Adrián Cerón, Rodolfo Galicia, Anny García and Gustavo
Sandoval Kingwergs/User:Correogsk) The event was organized by Telmex and
Mexico City's Government.

-April 11 to 13
*Participation of Ivan Martínez, Carmen Alcázar and Salvador Alcántar in
the Wikimedia Conference 2014, Berlin, Germany.

// Read the full report:

// Photo:
Representatives of the Wikimedia Iberocoop chapters at the end of the
meeting within the Wikimedia Conference 2014:

-April 16
*Meeting of José Flores with Alejandro Alonso for the implementation of
WMMX's Education Program at Instituto Nacional de Ecología, Xalapa,

-April 19
*Meeting of Wikipedistas en Puebla for define the Annual Plan to share
photos in Wikimedia Commons from Fototeca Lorenzo Becerril, Puebla.

-April 20
*Master keynote by Iván Martínez in the main stage of Aldea Digital 2014.
Zócalo, Ciudad de México.

-April 21
*Meeting of Jorge Luis Esquivel Zubiri with the Foreign Affairs office of
Gobierno del Distrito Federal for Wikimania 2015.
*Wikipedistas en Puebla meeting. Planning for "Puebla 100" project.

-April 22
*Q & A session by ProtoplasmaKid with Prof. Adriana Álvarez' class under
WMMX's Education Program at National Autonomous University of Mexico's
(UNAM) Faculty of Philosophy and Literature within the Historical Analysis

- April 21 to 24
*Meetings for Wikimania 2015 with Hoteliers Association of Mexico City and
Majory of the City staff.

-April 24
* Iván Martínez was interviewed by Leopoldo Gómez Ramírez in the program
"So Close, So Far: A Voice of Mexico in the United States of North
America", a bilingual radio program (Spanish and English) transmitted by
91.1FM of Amherst, radio station from the University of Massachusetts,
* Gustavo Sandoval Kingwergs, in substitution of Iván Martínez, gave the
talk "How to collaborate in Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects?" within
FLISoL Aragón 2014 (Department of Physics-Mathematics and Engineering, FES
Aragón, UNAM).

-April 25
*Participation of Christian Cariño in FLISoL Acatlán, with the talk
"Wikipedia México"
*Participation of Iván Martínez in FLISoL of the Universidad Autónoma
Metropolitana campus Azcapotzalco with the talk "Lo libre en Wikipedia".
Mexico City, Mexico,

-April 26
*Wikipedia Monthly workshop at TelmexHub, offered mainly by Andrés Cruz y
Corro (second level) and Carmen Alcázar (beginners), with additional
contributions by Iván Martínez, Omar Sansi and Gustavo Sandoval Kingwergs.

-April 27
*Children's Day activity at Biblioteca Vasconcelos with the story "An
adventure called Knowledge" written by Andrés Cruz y Corro and read by
Wikimedia Mexico's volunteers Iván Martínez (4) Carmen Alcázar (2) and Omar
Sandoval (1)
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