Hi all!

A lot going on this week, which means we’re making progress. Let’s jump
right in:

*Feedback requested*

There are two items in particular on Meta-Wiki ready for your feedback:

   - Updated processes and timelines for Tracks A & B
   - Document introducing the movement strategy process for discussions

*Overall process*

   - The Core Team met with Eugene Kim (2010 strategy architect) to get a
   briefing on the 2010 process. They’ll be updating the on-wiki 2010 audit
   and sharing notes from the meeting in the next two weeks.
   - We have completed the selection of the leads for three of the tracks.
   These leads will help coordinate the efforts for their track and facilitate
   alignment across the four tracks. The leads identified so far:
   - Track B - Jaime Anstee (with Maggie Dennis)
      - Track C - Juliet Barbara (with Caitlin Virtue)
      - Track D - Adele Vrana

*Track A (Organized community groups) and Track B (Individual

   - We published updated processes for tracks A&B.[1] We made changes
   based on ongoing feedback from the Steering Committee and many of you.
   Please keep the feedback coming!
   - In our most recent session with the Steering Committee we:
   - Reinstated the 3rd discussion cycle, so strategy participants will
      have more time to prioritize top ideas and discuss the
implications of each
      - Discussed the tension: we need a clear final theme that lets people
      make decisions and prioritize work, but our movement naturally is diverse
      and organic. How can we be broad while still sharing overall goals?
   - We asked the members of the Community Process Steering Committee if
   they would extend the charter’s term for two more weeks while we continue
   to refine the process. Most members have agreed. We’ll use the time to:
   - Simplify all terms and language to make it easier to translate
      - Refine the toolkits for hosting/facilitating a strategy discussion
   - We proposed a system for collecting, analyzing, and publishing the
   summaries from strategy discussions, in multiple languages, on the
   Meta-Wiki strategy portal.
   - We’re working on an “introduction to strategy discussions” document,
   with interesting and relevant information about topics related to strategy.
   We will summarize it so anyone can read it in about 30 minutes.
   - The work in progress has been shared on Meta-Wiki.[2] In addition to
      incorporating feedback provided on-wiki, the Core Team is working with
      experts in and outside Wikimedia to further develop the content.
      - Please take a look and provide us with feedback on its talk page.[2]
   - The Core Team developed a draft facilitation toolkit for community
   discussions, and have shared it with the Steering Committee for feedback.
   They will publish on Meta-Wiki next week.
   - To help get as many people involved in strategy discussions as
      possible, we’re asking people to help coordinate and facilitate group
      discussions. This toolkit is intended to make this easier.
      - The toolkit will some basic premises which we think are important
      to our discussion. Please review the draft and help improve these draft
   - The Core Team had a briefing call with the facilitators from Wikimedia
   Deutschland for Wikimedia Conference 2017 in Berlin. They discussed the
   overall goals and objectives for the conference’s strategy track, which
   will be one of the tracks offered at the conference this year.[4]
   - 150 of the 168 people invited to the conference for the strategy track
      are now registered. This is in addition to the 175 existing attendees to
      the main conference.
   - The Core Team is working with Asaf Bartov to develop a graphic model
   to help convey the evolution, health, and capacity of movement affiliates.
   - The hiring process for the Language Specialist Strategy Coordinators
   remains on-schedule. We are also on-schedule for filling the Lead role for
   Track A, and are hoping to have a final update to share soon.

*Track C (Partners and readers in high-reach markets)*

   - We proposed Track C leads, Juliet Barbara and Caitlin Virtue.
   - The Core Team and Track C leads met to begin to scope out the overall
   plans for partners and readers in high-reach markets. We’ll post a draft
   proposal on Meta in the coming week.[1]
   - As a part of this planning, we’re evaluating a budget and approach for
   market research, local consultations, and convenings.
   - Track C will be holding its first convening at an informal salon[5] on
   March 2 after the Accelerate Good Global Conference in San Francisco.[6]
   The conference is being attended by a number of local community leaders.

*Track D (Partners and readers in low reach markets)*

   - The Core Team and Track D lead met to define the timeline, roles, and
   process for selecting in-country research firms in low-reach markets. Based
   on these discussions, a draft request for proposal was developed and posted
   on Meta-Wiki.[7]
   - They reviewed 2016 research conducted in Nigeria and India as a part
      of the New Readers program[8].
   - Adele and Guillaume met about sharing and structuring Track D
   processes and content on Meta-Wiki, and have started to post initial
   content and structure on the Meta-Wiki strategy portal.[9]
   - The Track C and D leads also met to discuss coordination between the
   two tracks and areas of potential collaboration.

*Next steps*

   - Final feedback on Track A materials. Includes:
   - Finalize the process based on feedback collected on-wiki. Share drafts
      of toolkits and related materials for facilitating discussions, get
      - Finalize selection and onboarding of Track A lead.
   - Explore the potential for a track C/D salon at the Mobile World
   Congress in Barcelona.
   - Build expert interview guide for Track D (will also be shared with
   Track C).
   - Recruit research firms with requests for proposals developed this past
   - Provide an update to the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees at
   their upcoming meeting (2/24).

Also: you may have received a summary of these updates in another mailing
list. Thanks for being patient with the cross-posting! We’re trying to get
the word out, because we want this strategy effort to be truly
movement-wide, across languages, communities, projects, and contributors.

As part of this, I want to say a special thank you to everyone that has
helped translate these updates and other information on the strategy
process![10] Your work is critical to helping us be a truly global

That was a long note, thanks for reading! See you again next week - same
day, same mailing list(s).


PS. A version of this message is available for translation on Meta-Wiki.[11]

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salon_(gathering)
[6] http://accelerategood.org
[8] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/New_Readers
[9] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2017/Track_D
Katherine Maher

Wikimedia Foundation
149 New Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94105

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