As Jan informed a while ago, he decided to not extent is contract as
Wikimedia Sverige's Executive Director and move on. In the last weeks the
board and staff started the recruiting process, agreed on the profile and
announced the position a week ago.

As swedish language is not our main concern (though it makes things
easier), we are open to international applicants and translated the
announcement into English.

In a nutshell, Wikimedia Sverige is looking for an engaged and inspiring
leader of our office in Stockholm. The new ED will:
* Together with the board lead the development and implementation of the
annual plan in accordance with Wikimedia Sverige's vision, strategy and
* Lead and motivate a team of currently six employees.
* Continue the development of the chapter, ensure a good administration and
financial reporting, and secure a successful allocation of funding to the
chapter's activities.
If you are interested in a couple of years in Stockholm, please send an
e-mail to not later than October 31, 2015. Please spread
the information to other people who might be interested.
For further information, please visit

Holger Motzkau
Styrelseledamot, kassör

Wikimedia Sverige
Hantverkargagan 21
SE-112 21 Stockholm

Org.-nr. 802437-8310
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