Dear fellow Wikimedians,

We are very excited to inform you that within the third edition of the
Wikimedia Accelerator UNLOCK, which has been running by Wikimedia
Deutschland (WMDE) and Wikimedia Serbia (WMRS) in collaboration with Impact
Hub Belgrade, we will support seven innovative, bold, engaging and diverse
projects – with a total of 24 participants from Albania, Germany,
Montenegro and Serbia. The projects show and have convinced us throughout
the selection process with new perspectives for free knowledge – and
addressing knowledge equity – in different regional as well as thematic

In the next four months we will support the teams with coaching, a variety
of workshops with experts, regular exchanges and funding. We look forward
to working with these following teams who will validate and test their
ideas and turn their concepts into functional prototypes:

   - – an open source platform that breaks down barriers to
   becoming politically active and thereby connects people and organizations
   from different social and activist movements. []

   Game of political participation – encouraging young people in the
   Western Balkans to familiarize themselves with political decision making
   and political systems through elements of gamification. [

   f[ai]r – establishing an ethics certification for digital applications
   through a holistic examination of the AI system in the social context,
   addressing aspects of bias, discrimination, diversity and inclusion. []

   Inclusio – providing user-generated audio descriptions of visual content
   to the blind and visually impaired. Ideally the solution could be connected
   and tested on structured data in Wikimedia Commons. []

   macht.sprache. – fostering politically sensitive translation through an
   open source platform that allows for crowdsourcing and discussing
   politically sensitive terms and their translations, and through a tool to
   help translate with sensitivity. []

   MOCI SPACE – a digital space to connect activists, grassroots
   initiatives and civil society actors in the Western Balkans and that allows
   for co-creating, publishing and sharing knowledge by making use of the
   Matrix protocol for federated communication. []

   P2P Wiki for indigenous wisdom and biodiversity – an open source tool to
   collect and safeguard indigenous knowledge, and to raise awareness about
   biodiversity with a P2P offline-first methodology. []

Feel free to click through the projects for further details.

In addition, we shared our learnings and insights from the selection
process and the kickoff of the program in the following diff blog. [

Best regards,

Kannika (WMDE) and Ivana (WMRS)


Kannika Thaimai Program Lead | Programmleitung
Wikimedia Accelerator UNLOCK | Wikimedia Deutschland
She/Her | Sie/Ihr

UNLOCK website <> | LinkedIn
<> | Twitter

Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 577 11 62 0

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V. Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts
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