Greetings Program Leaders and Evaluators!

Important updates on Learning and Evaluation:

== Program Evaluation & Design meet up at Wikimania 2014 ==

We are organizing a meeting of the Program Evaluation & Design community at
Wikimania. If you are attending the conference, join us! The meet up will
be a loosely structured sessions, where program leaders can share new
findings and experiences on program evaluation. time and date have not been
defined yet. Please vote your most convenient time on the doodle [1] You
can also sign up your name on the event page:

== Upcoming virtual event: Project & Event Grants review [2] ==

The next virtual meet-up will be held on Tuesday, July 29 (1500 hs UTC - 8
am PDT). ‘Project & Event Grants: an Impact Review of 2013-14’ will go over
the 30+ initiatives funded in the past fiscal year, discuss its outcomes
and share recommendations around program planning and funding decisions.
Join us!

As always, stay up-to-date by following our news and events sections [3] and
connecting on our portal [4].

On behalf of the Program Evaluation and Design team, thank you for your
time and attention.

*María Cruz * \\  Community Coordinator, PE&D Team \\ Wikimedia Foundation,
Inc.  |  :  @marianarra_ <>

*Links references:*

[1] Meet up doodle:

[2] Project & Events Grants: an Impact Review of 2013-14

[3] Upcoming Events Section in PE&D portal:

[4] Program Evaluation & Design Connect:
Wikimedia-ped mailing list

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