Пришло письмо от эстонского чаптера, форвардю:

22.01.2015 23:02 - Ivo Kruusamägi написал(а):

> Hello!
> Would Russia be interested to participate, if there would be European
> Science Photo Competition in the coming autumn?
> With regards
> Ivo Kruusamägi
> ---------------------------
> *Background info:*
> Estonian_Science_Photo_Competition
> <
> has
> been held in Wikipedia between 2011--2013 and I plan to do it once again
> 2015. Then again, why not to make it bit bigger this year? Why not to
> all Europe? For that I'd like to know what countries would be interested
> such a thing.
> *Why to have it?*
> Well, I have organized it mainly for 3 reasons:
> * there aren't any (other) science photo competitions in Estonia, but
> should be at least one;
> * I have felt the need to bring universities and Wikipedia a bit closer
> isn't a topic I take lightly
> <
> );
> * and as nearly all participants are non-wikipedians, then that gives a
> higher chance of getting new people / content, that we wouldn't had in any
> other way (wikipedians would take images anyway, with or without
> competitions).
> + what really makes photos scientific is the description and that really
> brings scientific community closer to Wikimedia. Information behind the
> images is just as important to us.
> *What is needed?*
> One or more local activists interested in science and/or outreach. Let him
> or her contact me asap so we could put together some plans for 2015.
> Money or lack of it isn't a problem. Science popularization is on rise and
> that makes it rather easy to sell the idea and get the sponsors behind it
> if needed.
> This competition has been held in Estonia with just one-man-team. So it is
> perfectly possible to do it without a big group of people, even thou
> some more could help a lot. (But as you already know, Estonia looks
> something like this
> <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tarvasj%C3%B5gi.jpg>, as we
> don't have much people around).
> *What to be ready for?*
> It is important to notice that it is still a rather specialized topic and
> therefor it will never bring as many images as WLM or WLE. That is: number
> of images per contributor will be significantly smaller.
> It also asks for a lot of communication. So you got to be willing to talk
> with different universities and institutions, as the main target group
> aren't wikipedians (with just aiming for wikipedia users, then you don't
> even need to give away prizes or worry if newspapers would cover it, as
> you'll get the images anyway -- I have even targeted nonwikipedians in
> way: zero-cost-no-prizes campaign works just fine
> <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Images_from_HELP>).
> Excluding the exhibition of best images (that I have gotten money from
> Estonian Research Council), the cost for it in Estonia has been ca 100 €
> per year. Even that could be smaller (first year ended with 20€ profit),
> but then it is hard to say that local chapter contributes to it :) So it
> should be totally possible to do it with very low cost or even profitably.
> So, not much is needed beside interest. Are you interested?
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