
Budúce WM stretnutie strednej a východnej Európy bude v Ľvive na Ukraine.
Viac informácií v správe dole.

Organizátori sa pýtajú na vhodný termín, s tým, že navrhnutý termín
17.-19.8. sa im zdá príliš blízko Wikimánie (18.-22.7.). Druhý navrhnutý
termín je 13.-15.10.

Bolo by dobré začať rozmýšľať kto za WMSK chcete využiť túto príležitosť.
Pravdepodobne opäť poskytnú 2 predplatené miasta; osobne si viem
predstaviť, že za WMSK by sme si ďalšie 1-2 miesta uhradili nech má viacero
našich aktivistov priame medzinárodné skúsenosti. Vďaka medzinárodnému
pohľadu totiž vieme lepšie pochopiť prácu na Slovensku.

Dajte vedieť či máte preferenciu pre niektorý termín respektíve či vám
niektorý zlatý nevyhovuje.

Majte sa
KuboF Hromoslav
---------- Preposlaná správa ----------
Od: "Maksym Tsizh" <zzv...@gmail.com>
Dátum: 17.11.2017 18:33
Predmet: [WMCEE-l] CEEM 2018 in Lviv, Ukraine
Komu: <wmce...@tools.wikimedia.pl>

Dear all,

We are happy to host the 7th Central Eastern European Meeting in Lviv,
Ukraine. We want to thank you for your support, the Committee worked hard
to determine the winner and our friends from Serbia had created a very
competing bid - we are grateful that you trust us to uphold the high
standards of organising this important international event that all of us
have jointly developed over the last few years.

We are now finalizing the team working on the project, and the next step
for us will be creating a grant proposal for the event, and setting up the
International program committee. We shall try to keep you informed about
our work and we are also going to ask for your input from time to time on
things that we might want to change as the community.

As we really want (and need) to lock the dates of the event, we want to
have your input about them: originally we planned for August 17-19, but
there were concerns that it is too soon after Wikimania 2018 - and that
might be, if you are attending both events. But we also believe that it
might be a great opportunity to send other representatives from your
community or affiliate.

We are now discussing these dates with the venue:


   August 17-19

   October 13-15

And we would like to hear more voices (it would be great if you can mention
if you are speaking for yourself personally or from your affiliate) about
the dates from you over the next few days, and on Monday, November 27, we
are planning to send a letter with the final dates to the venue.

Best regards,

Maksym Tsizh

Board member of Wikimedia Ukraine

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