Hello everyone!

We are Iberocoop <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Iberocoop:Portada/es>,
the ibero american network of chapters and user groups. Since 2015 , we are
launching an editing contest during the month of the woman.

The edition contest is known in Spanish as “La mujer que nunca conociste” in
english "The Woman You Never meet". In 2015, 364 new articles were created,
a figure multiplied by 4 in 2016, with 1264 new articles. This year 2017,
we want the proposal to have global reach! To do this, we would like to
invite all chapters and users groups to adapt and promote the contest to
their local contexts.

We are starting to work to have everything needed prepared to organize this
year's contest: logo, rules for editing including the gender perspective
and we can even think about awarding prizes internationally!.

But for this to happen we need to know who would be interested in pushing
this initiative.

The competition will take place from March 4 to April 9, 2017 and its main
objectives will be:

1. Improve women's content on Wikipedia: not just women's articles, but
organizations, feminist movements, etc.

2. Inviting editing with a gender perspective: make Wikipedia a more
quality space.

3. Involve more female as editors in Wikipedia, as well as in the Wikimedia
community: complement the contest with editing workshops with feminist or
groups of women, in each country, to favor their inclusion as editors and
community members, for example.

What do you think?Is this something people would be interested in and like
to join?

If the answer is yes (hopefully!) let us now your interest in the
following meta
page <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/The_women_you_never_meet>.

We thank you in advance for the time you can take on this matter.


Anna Torres Adell
Directora Ejecutiva
*A.C. Wikimedia Argentina*
Wikimedia-TH mailing list

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