Last notice, wiki-photo-humters:

Our Wikis Take Manhattan photo scavenger hunt is coming back with a
vengeance ---tomorrow--- on Saturday, Oct 10.

Check it out on wiki:


Remember, there will be two starting points: one uptown at Columbia
University, and one downtown at The Open Planning Project. The
check-in at the two locations will be 1:00 PM.

Columbia University starting point (uptown): the Sundial in front of
Low Memorial Library.

The Open Planning Project starting point (downtown): 148 Lafayette
Street, between Grand & Howard.

Register here:

Spread the word on Facebook:

And watch the cool video from last year!


On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 9:47 PM, Pharos <> wrote:
> Hi all friends of the wiki and free culture folks,
> Our Wikis Take Manhattan photo scavenger hunt is coming up this next
> Saturday, Oct 10.
> Check it out on wiki:
> or
> Register here:
> Spread the word on Facebook:
> And watch the cool video from last year!
> Thanks,
> Richard
> (User:Pharos)
> Wikimedia NYC
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Pharos <> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> Wikis Take Manhattan 2009 is a planned scavenger hunt and free content
>> photography contest coordinated with Columbia University and New York
>> University students and The Open Planning Project, aimed at
>> illustrating Wikipedia and Streetswiki articles covering the wondrous
>> sights of the isle of Manhattan, and all across the Five Boroughs of
>> New York City
>> Scheduled for Saturday, October 10, 2009, this event will be a sequel
>> to last spring's Wikipedia Takes Manhattan (WTM-1) and last fall's
>> Wikis Take Manhattan (WTM-2) event.
>> Everyone will meet up and check in at one of the two starting points
>> located at Columbia and The Open Planning Project, and after an
>> afternoon of subways, street rambles, photography and free culture
>> goodness, the night will conclude with a party back at The Open
>> Planning Project's fantastic new event space nestled between Chinatown
>> and SoHo.
>> The day will be sponsored by Free Culture @ Columbia, the Columbia
>> University chapter of Students for Free Culture, in cooperation with
>> the NYU chapter Free Culture @ NYU, The Open Planning Project,
>> Wikimedia New York City and Wikipedia volunteers.
>> All Wikipedians and non-Wikipedians are invited to participate in
>> teams of up to three (no special knowledge is required at all, just a
>> digital camera and a love of the city).
>> Details here on the wiki:
>> Register your team here:
>> Thanks,
>> Richard
>> (User:Pharos)
>> Wikimedia NYC

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