> From: Thomas Dalton <thomas.dal...@gmail.com>
> Date: May 17, 2010 10:23:36 AM PDT
> To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List <foundatio...@lists.wikimedia.org>
> Subject: [Foundation-l] Chapter selected board seats - call for candidates, 
> deadline extended
> Reply-To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List <foundatio...@lists.wikimedia.org>
> To whom it may concern,
> All nominations for candidates for the chapter selected board seats
> were supposed to be received by the end of today, however only three
> have been received. The chapters will be more likely to make a good
> selection if they have a large group of candidates to choose from,
> therefore I am extending the deadline for nominations by 10 days,
> until the 27th May. Subsequent stages of the process will be pushed
> back accordingly. Hopefully a decision will still be made in time for
> the board meeting at Wikimania, but this cannot be guaranteed.
> The original call for candidates, with the new deadline, is repeated
> below. Please help us get a large number of nominations by
> distributing this call as widely as possible on mailing lists, blogs
> and wikis.
> Can you, or someone you know, help guide Wikimedia Foundation through
> the next exciting steps of its strategic development and growth?
> The Wikimedia Chapters are looking for two candidates to sit on the
> Wikimedia Foundation's Board of Trustees for 2 years commencing in
> July 2010. The new board members will be faced with the challenge of
> helping decide the future direction of the only top-10 internet
> property that is run by a non-profit organisation. The Wikimedia
> websites are constructed by hundreds of thousands of volunteers
> world-wide, supported by a small but growing number of staff and an
> international network of chapters.
> The successful candidates will most importantly be committed to the
> Wikimedia mission and willing to work with the various stakeholders of
> the Wikimedia movement, including the volunteers and the chapters that
> provide essential support for the movement. They will have the time to
> do this, with the appropriate communication skills (including a good
> standard of English) and ability to work as a team. They will also be
> able and willing to travel, and have an international attitude.
> The candidates will ideally be open-minded with experience of
> international affairs and governance techniques. They will have good
> communication skills, as well the ability to think strategically and
> to work independently as well as part of a team.
> The process that will be followed for this selection can be viewed
> here: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Chapter-selected_Board_seats/Process
> All nominations must be sent to the moderator (Thomas Dalton from
> Wikimedia UK) and deputy moderator (José Spierts from Wikimedia
> Nederlands) by 23:59 UTC 27th May. If you would like to nominate
> yourself or someone else, please see the instructions here:
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Chapter-selected_Board_seats/Nominate
> The chapters wish to locate truly excellent board members and believe
> that can best be done if there are a large number of varied and
> quality candidates to consider. Therefore, the chapters ask that
> everyone that thinks they, or someone they know, would be a good board
> member submit a nomination. They also ask that this call for
> candidates be distributed as widely as possible on mailing lists,
> village pumps, blogs, etc..
> Best regards,
> Thomas Dalton,
> Moderator

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