Hi all,
 the new bulletin from Wikimedia Italia (#49) is available. We wrote
about Wiki Loves Monuments Italia 2013, past and forthcoming meetings
where we attended as experts or rapporteurs.

As usual a link has been added to meta, at
Wikimedia_chapters/Reports/Wikimedia_Italia ; more-or-less raw text of
the bulletin follows below.

ciao, .mau.

== Wiki Loves Monuments Italia 2013 ==

The preparatory phase of the 2013 edition of
[http://www.wikilovesmonuments.it/ Wiki Loves Monuments Italia] has
already started, and there are many ways in which you can help too:
find new monuments, ask for permission to take photos with a free
license, help us with editing Wikipedia entries; these are just a few
[http://www.wikilovesmonuments.it/2013/03/le-scadenze-del-2013/ In
this post], published on the official website of the contest, Emma
Tracanella (project manager) summarizes the deadlines and the main
phases of the project.
To stay up to date on all developments, you can subscribe to the
newsletter] of Wiki Loves Monuments.

(''"Logo Wiki Loves Monuments Italia"'' by Jollyroger, Derived from
File:LUSITANA_WLM_2011_d.svg, CC-BY-SA-3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)

== "Open Access: il sapere liberato" ==

On Thursday 21 March, the Students' Forum of the Scuola Normale of
Pisa has held a meeting making some considerations on the theme of
open access to scientific literature, and the state of academic
publishing. The meeting was called
"OpenAccess, il sapere liberato"] ("knowledge freed"), and it was
attended by two members of the board of Wikimedia Italy, Lorenzo Losa
([[:it:Utente:Laurentius|Laurentius]]) who was among the organizers
and Andrea Zanni ([[:it:Utente:Aubrey|Aubrey]]) as rapporteur,
together with researchers Francesca Di Donato and Maria Chiara
Pievatolo. The 
full video] of the meeting may be browsed, together with the materials
presented by the speakers:
slides] from Di Donato;
slides ] from Pievatolo;
slides] from Zanni. The organizers expressed their satisfaction with
the presence of a public large and interested in the issue of open

== Wikipedia and women ==
As we announced in the previous number of the newsletter, on Saturday
March 23 in Bologna [[:it:Utente:Frieda|Frieda Brioschi]], Emma
Tracanella and [[:it:Utente:Atropine|Ginevra Sanvitale]] took part in
the meeting 
"Marilyn, Rita, Catherine: Wikipedia and women"]. Here is a
[http://storify.com/Panz/wikipedia-e-le-donne very special report] of
the meeting, told through the tweets of the day.

== Next appointments ==

* April 5, Bergamo: in the event [http://studenti.imparadigitale.it/
"Tablet School"], promoted and supported by the Research Center
ImparaDigitale ("Learn Digital"), [[:it:Utente:| Maurizio Codogno]]
(''spokesperson for Wikimedia Italia'') is one of the experts who will
answer students' questions. [http://www.imparadigitale.it/
ImparaDigitale Study Centre] is an association established in March
2012 with the aim of promoting the development of an innovative
teaching method, for allowing Italian and European school system to
benefit significantly from the potential offered the introduction of
digital technology. You can browse
[http://studenti.imparadigitale.it/programma-della-manifestazione/ the
program of the event], which will take place on 5 and 6 April.

* April 9, Bologna: the University of Bologna organizes a meeting on
The disputed network. Participation, creativity, citizenship and
digital media]. The debate "Productions Bottom: Wikinomics,
crowdsourcing crowdfunding" will see the participation of
[[:it:Utente:Frieda|Frieda Brioschi]] (''President of Wikimedia
Italy'') with Luca De Biase (IULM), Federico Bo and Tania Innamorati
(Cineama). The appointment is at 17:00 at Palazzo
Marescotti-Brazzetti, via Barberia 4, 40123 - Bologna.

== News from Wiki world ==

* Sue Gardner announced his resignation from the post of Executive
Director of the Wikimedia Foundation. Read the
post] (in English) on the official blog of the WMF, and the
article in Italian] that reports the news.

* The computer science department of Wikimedia Commons has made ​​it
even easier to illustrate Wikipedia entries with photos taken with
your smartphone: you can load the image directly on the page.
[http://blog.wikimedia.org/c/technology/ Here] the post in which they
explain the news.

* The translation mode on Wikipedia have been

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